Haunting - Blood Rains

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -KawUser-, Aug 21, 2014.

  1. What's your opinion?
  2. Seriously? Sone effort maybe?
  3. My opinion? you really want MY opinion? well, this thread is crap and needs more effort
  4. Effort on what? He is just asking your opinion on the haunting being blood rains.
  5. Not all threads need to be flashy with pictures, gifs, and bbcodes. Putting that stuff in doesn't require much effort. What's wrong with a thread asking a simple question.
  6. Whats the bonus % for it?
  7. Its free, easy, how can an eb fairy possible dislike this
  8. TL;DR

    But seriously its good. Get a bonus while you try to get a seal.
  9. Sounds sexual
  10. Abyss you are wasting your time. This idiot seems to only know how to make one liners. It's not about the lack of effort really but a waste to ask this here. You could easily if went and asked this in WC.
  11. its 7%…asked on wc and got answered lol
  12. I once thought I was flying around London in a car made out of cheese...turns out it was just a really bad stomach, had the shits for days...

    Anyway my opinion on battered fish? We'll put it with chips and you can't go wrong..but you gotta put vinegar and salt on the chips of course I ain't mad....

    I also once had a fight with a cat made out of donkey hair....to cut a long story short, I lost and now I'm it's slave..true story
  13. There is literally only one opinion... Yay... More gold........ Doesn't need a thread