I can not wait till haunt has 2x money so my main can get richer than ever that is like heaven. THANK U DEVS.
Yeah i don't think haunts will be on that list for double cash. If we're EXTREMELY lucky they'll put up a few tier 4 ebs like ambush or evanescence.
How many threads do you think will have to be posted on this until everyone realizes it's probably not gonna happen or it's gonna happen last? :roll:
You guys do realise you wont even make that much? Its only 24hours. You will make a lot yes. But the most would be 50billion maybe 100b at a push. It may sound like a lot. But it really isnt.
This has already been posted. Haunting gets boring some clans enjoyed BR double gold paid better to small/mid builds. Many be fine with Evanescence as a double pay.
Devs can you do a double drop on no quarter? That one doesn't have a good drop and this would benefit all Kaw players in general. If you could this, it would greatly be appreciated.
NQ has a way better drop rate than most EBs. We had something like 11 chest plates drop a while back. It may have been an unlock, but still.