I recently got into a bind because I was skimming a hard eb in order to buy attack pots to use on it, just because skimming gives more gold I was mocked and branded selfish. Is there anyone who can see why I was doing this that can confirm if it's better or not for low stats to skim in order to hit more? My friend got very upset at me because I was doing it my way and stole/assassinated me a total of 5 times because I tried to explain it...
It's perfect. Why the **** would you be farmed for skimming an EB? That gets you more gold, and isn't greedy at all. I mean, so attacking an EB is a sign of greed?what kind of logic is that? .
It's better to skim, definitely. You do the same damage as if you were unloading troops, but you earn more gold… So if your clan mate valued that, he could see it as progress for you.
Thank you so much for your honest responses, I was really upset yesterday and left my clan because I was scared they would get hit because of me... He said "Trust me, I've been playing longer than you." as if game time makes him smarter... :'(
Lol I am too impatient I just unload, although as a hansel my start attack payout is usually very close to my end attack payout
Well flint it is nearly no difference for you, but if you are an attack build is is so much better to skim!
No matter what build, end payout will be better. If you can barely hit the EB, then skimming makes a better % of success, so less wasted troops.
Yes your "first KaW family" is a bit off in the head because skimming would even help them in the long run with total % lost...haha I guess some clans are just full of noobs