
Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Ar_Tormentor_Ar, May 2, 2013.

  1. Hansels are best for war,they can get easy gold+they take a while to grow so you can hit ebs easier
  2. *Gives a 5 minute standing ovation and congradulates the OP on the remarkable advice that will help many players in KaW build a well sound, strategic build*
  3. Vote op for award of outstanding achievement in the field of excellence
  4. Lol i say farm op
  5.  armoury. Thanks for this sacred piece of KaW doctrine, OP. Forever will your name be known for uncovering this masterpiece of discovery.
  6. Cut him some slack. This is what deters future addicts !
  7. Your 123 characters above the limit armory
  8. Dang it auto correct curse you Americans and your American thingofamajigs