Hansels, money, and upgrades!

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by xX-_FIGHTER_-Xx, Jul 1, 2013.

  1. I'm at a point where lands cost 100 billion, so I need to just start upgrading all of my guilds. I'm going to save up to around 350 billion, and I have a few options.

    1. at 350 bil, I just buy more lands, and put guilds on them

    2. Fill the entire lowlands with SOS Lvl 3

    3. Add in as many volaries in the high lands as I can

    I'm looking for most plunder. Stats can always wait. I just need to know what you think I should do.

    NOTE: 38 buildings. (since SOS's have lots to do with it being 2/3's SOS or something weird)
  2. If you would add as many volaries as you can...?
    If level 3, that's around 1 and 3/4 of a volary.
  3. I'm looking for most plunder. When talking about volaries, that means like, do I want to make tons of lvl 1's? a mix of lvl 1 & 2? like you said, 1 maxxed out building?
  4. Probably a bunch of level 2's and 3's. for Both SoS' and Volaries (mainly SoS', I believe), unless you have them as the majority, you gain less plunder than a GH, and even if you have them as the majority, you'll only have a little more plunder-wise than a GH.
    Stat-wise is much better, obviously.

    I recommend you get someone else, I'm not an expert on these mechanics.
  5. Lvl 1's will make your cs go up like 10k... Lvl 2 25-30k. But I would be gh until you have enough to put all lvl 3 volarys on highlands and all lvl 3 SOSs on lowlands
  6. Basically, #2.
  7. Pretty much. But keep Lowlands as SoS, and half of HL with SoS. I believe if you did that, you would have a raise of plunder. Or a drop...
    Then the rest guilds.
    I recommend that you ask an EE war clan leader, they should know this.
  8. But do it all in one shot, ONLY.
  9. SOS are a waste. Never get an SOS on hl, ever. I would suggest that you hlbc guilds, convert all guilds in hl to vol lv 1 in one go, I heard lv 1 vol gives arround the same plunder as guilds, might wanna ask someone's who's done this though, then after that start lv 2 vols and then get lv 3 SOS max in low lands in one go, and Finnish off getting lv 3 vols.

    IV never done this, just from what I hear.
  10. Phoenix u don't put SoS on highlands u wait until u have enough money for volaries.
  11. Don't give "advice" if u didn't test it or only hear smth from someone lol. In ur situation #2 is the best option.
    (you can only put there one modification which will not cost u much more. When you collect money to convert all buildings, you can put vol lvl1 on every land in HL. After that just upgrade one by one to lvl 2 or open new land, depend what is cheaper.)
  12. My thread is better :p haha just kiddin good thread
  13. I would do #2. Then place Volary's lv 1 on all high lands you have. Than buy the rest of lands and put lv 1 vols, then upgrade them all to lv 2 then to lv 3. I'm half way through to having all of mine at lv 3.
  14. @Iger, in my experience lvl 1 vol gives a few hundred thousand more in plunder, so a very slight increase
  15. Yeah either stay Gh till ghlc, and save up for entire switch in parts, (all LL to SOS / all vol on glad (pref lvl2-3)) or do your LLC now. Never ever ever put SOS on hl, or any t4, complete waste of money.
  16. Lvl 1 sos gives less plunder than lvl 4 guilds only lvl 2 makes and increase 