
Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Xenica, Dec 31, 2015.

  1. Hey guys I just had a question about hansel build. I'm about to finish lcbc and ready to head into hc my question is do I keep guiding or go straight for the upper spy teir (4got what it's called :/) thanks guys
  2. don't bother with guilds at all, sos on lowlands and t3s on highlands
  3. I thought lcbc meant land complete build complete
  4. No ll full with guilds and keep going until 12 lands then convert to SOS when event is over
  5. First of all, huh?
    Secondly "guiding"?
    Look you shouldn't start off as a hansel when you're still so small. Gh has been nerfed, as has sos hansel (but your stats dont reflect sos)

    Anyway, swap out your build for an atk heavy in hl or ll.
    Acquire enough gold to make a good spy build.
    Then have enough gold to have all lvl.3 sos on ll and a few vols on hl.
    You should be set.
  6. Llbc is not lcbc... Hlbc used to be a thing, but now is Abbc?

    Kingdoms at acronyms Ftw

    Now sad and gtfg before someone starts lotl and you would rather be running a Hte throwing sods out the window.. I'm hungry, someone cook up a rotwb..
  7. LOL
  8. Stay guild and save your gold until you purchase about 15 highlands put guilds as you purchase one by one then when you get to # 15 convert to SOS but do it all at once so you won't experience the drop in plunder. My opinion that's what I did but it's been awhile since I have done so as well
  9. Buy a seal, seal in a clan, get 10000000bil gold and mass convert to SOS hansel on lowland
  10. Sorry for the **** spelling and the bad kaw lingo guess I didn't study hard enough at kaw school... anyway thanks guys for the advise appreciate the help