I have lvl 3 sos's on LL's, 8 - lvl 1 vols, 6 - lvl 2 vols and 1 colony on HL's. I wanna go more hybrid. Wanting some advice on what I should do? Change some LL buildings? Should I rebuild some attk buildings on my HL's? Need advice!
1:3.. 1:4 would put you in hansel mechanics still (between 25-75% spy / att buildings, not including any towers you may want OR your castle)
You can be guild hansel with frost buildings and look like hybrid with gh mechanics, or atk on ll and vol hl and be hybrid and look like hansel. Depends on end mech u want
The big questiob you have to answer is: what do you want it to be able to do? If youre sold on hybrid mechanics, performance is going to determine your building composition. Are you converting for ee, osw, eb? Do you want to be towered, or do you want to be able to win att/stl against a specific size of build? Theres a wide range of ways it can be done depending on your goal...