Hey everybody, I was wondering, does, lets say, T5 hansel HLBC make more money than a T5 hybrid HLBC build. P.S, mods may lock whenever any beneficial info comes forth, asked in WC 3 times, and got no answer, thats why I am asking. Thanks
attack build ftw. others not so much . just check the rank 1 in overall eb. what build is he? yep attack build. rarely any Hansel can make it to LB
Unison - You bring shame to everyone in kaw...Everyone who values war, everyone who values the goal of the game, you simply bring shame...
and i hate to rain on your parade unisonraid, but there is very little, if any, chance that you will make it on the leaderboard, unless you are willing to spend over $500 a day for nobs, etc. to keep buying allies and crystaling. Plus, im doing this for what the game is kind of meant for, wars
Depends on if you are warring or EBing. Hybrids will be destroyed in war but will make the most plunder in EBs. Depends on your play style