Hansel in EE: viable ?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by XlIlX-Maniackis-XlIlX, Aug 26, 2014.

  1. Hello everyone,

    Hansel used to be a kick-ass build in the early seasons, but now all I can see in EE is either heavily towered attack builds or ps. Is a hansel build still viable in EE nowadays (and if yes, under which conditions) or is it a dead end ?

    Do any of you know a hansel who is still doing EE's and who's quite successful ?
  2. Have 10m adt and it works fine
  3. They leak too easy... It's best to just go pure spy. If you play it right then you can leak barely anything
  4. Every build can war, if built for war ️
  5. @cracker

    If a hansel had 10 mil in adt, then their spy build would be next to nothing. They also still wouldn't hit for crap either, unless it is indie and bfa counts. Might as well go ps. Hansel build is finally dead. Thank god.
  6. I would go with pure spy instead.
  7. @Proditer

    This is what I've been doing, but ps is terribly boring
  8. They could have up to 9million spy attack if they had 10million ADT. (24 SOS, 25 volary, 15 Descary fortress, one eleven temple and 9 unakari trees). Not taking into account new upgrades.

    Not that bad but still better to be PS with 2-3 mil SDT to deflect scouts.

    Yes PS is terribly boring :(
  9. I was considering something along the lines of 3-4m Atk, with 4m adt. The rest of the buildings being spy buildings, with a minimum of 3m spy def.

    The build seemed interesting on paper, but given the amount of gold needed to pull it off I'll go crazy if it sucks
  10. It's ok with lots of BFA but that's true with any build really.
  11. Do ps plunder off eb as well or better than attack or hybrid?
  12. Just go pure hansel.. 2m sdt or so. Either war as ps or get the EB equip which you with an abbysal blade you can get up to 180m spy attack BFE and shred attack builds
  13. Ps plunder crap. Hansel pays amazing. I'd say more so than attack build (idk) and you can swap easily from Hansel to ps if you leave one land open for a stable
  14. The problem with ps is that the whole opposite team dives on you from the start and scouts you to death, and then you spend the rest of the game trying to assa/scout heavy towered builds from sko, which is as useful as throwing poop.

    At least as a hansel sitting with 0 gold out you still have the possibility of sitting high in troops and attacking opponents coming out of ko
  15. Unless you have lb bfa I don't think hansel is a viable ee build they leak too much for not much plunder gain. so drop the atk and hide your allies. Just my opinion
  16. I war indi often.
    I at least plunder 1.5b if there is a target for me in opp roaster.
    2/3 last INDIEwars I was top plunder at 2.5b and 2.7b plunder.

    Usally dump troops from start bank like Usain bolt then sit assasing reds.

    Indie is the only war type suited for hansel.

    Leaking is usally not a issue for me I may Leak between 500m-1.5b depending on Ko sko and how I preform in first wave.
  17. Devs nerfed the Hansel exploit (except for the baby sh) in e-war long ago. Since you can't defend your spies with pots (scouts) you are easy ko food. So if you're not a lb hansel you're pretty much toast in e-war. The indi wars do lower the bar a touch but if you unlucky it's easy to get a match with no/few winnable atk targets.
  18. To anyone who says it isn't I say shut up

    Last indi war I made 2.7b as hansel (wr2) skoed every time but one and got a few kos

    Yes, hansel leaks, but if you know what you're doing, are fast, and make your hits count, you can plunder EXTREMELY well and leak very little.

    Thank you and good night
  19. And to anyone who goes on about no target - there's bound to be at least 1/2 tower less in each indi team and a hansel can attk them once everyone's waving up from sko and stuff.

    And if you got good bfe can even attk big towered chumps with lower bfe
  20. DJ - you can maybe do good bellow the 20m Cs mark. Otherwise you'll be in wars where it's all attack builds and ps and hansels have literally nobody to hit.