Hansel help

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by 10assassin10, Sep 2, 2012.

  1. I want to make this alt a eb only hansel but im not sure where to go from where im at with this account, also after a while I MIGHT do a few wars
  2. EB only Hansel?
    Honey, get the alt, we're having farmed nubs for dinner!
  3. "might" :roll:
  4. Ok so how bout I do wars and ebs
  5. Get to 25 lands as an attack build then convert all but 1 attack building into a level 4 guild. The attack build should be a beastiary/aviary if youre unloading.
  6. This is what I have so far 21 lands 3 guilds and the rest are all sub factorys
  7. Why SF?? Why do people say offensive buildings like forges? Always have at least one balanced!!
  8. So on remaining lands put guilds and max them. Then convert 1 SF to an Aviary and the rest to max guilds
  9. Hansels r a good build
  10. Let me get a link.