Hansel guide for noobs like me.

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by n8n8, May 12, 2012.

  1. You should start out a hybrid. First, join a clan. Next, buy 9 lands put 4 stables rest lvl2 guilds. Next, keep putting guilds and replace stables with beastiaries. Keep putting guilds and earning plunder and replace beatiaries with war aviaries. Put guilds until you reach highlands replace 3 war aviaries with lvl4 guilds and the last one with a circle of elementals. Put guilds until HLBC you can put SOS's but it will SLIGHTLY decrease plunder. Thankyou poiseidon for your information for me to make this forum.
  2. I think this is a record week for hansel guides.... I count 4 already if I'm not mistaken.

    @op look and see if theirs a guide before you post one for crying out loud.
  3. no. start with war cathedrals, with one beastiary and one guild. don't convert to hansel until at least land 20.
  4. ^ word waster, If you do the forgotten ones or any epic with an item phase, it doesn't matter when you convert
  5. I put hansel in 25 lands so more chance of success
  6. it does though. lvl 4 guilds are pricey and the caths will get your income up quicker earlier.
  7. I didn't get the first reply, do u mean mine was good or record of bad guides.
  8. your guide is bad. please don't make guides unless you truly understand the topic. and remember that most guides have already been made, and made well.
  9. thanks for this GUIDE :) God BLess