Hansel EBbaby, Need Advice Prepping to War

Discussion in 'Wars' started by psychic_acid, Jan 16, 2014.

  1. My Current Buildings

    Low Lands:
    23 Stronghold of Shadow Level 3
    1 Cursed Foundry Level 3

    High Lands:
    17 Volary Level 2

    Hoarfrost Lands:
    12 Unkari Ice Tree Level 1

    I've done a few OSW's a while back but never participated in the current war system. Is my build something that can be useful in EE wars? How can I either improve it now or what should I be looking to build/upgrade to better it in the future? If needed I can add information about my BFE or alt equip I have, my pro pack equips, and my BFA. Thanks in advance!
  2. You could swap some ice trees for ADT and SDT..
  3. Level 1 SOS are very popular now.
  4. Or you could go pure spy.

    Which are a little popular but useful
  5. You wouldn't know bacon narwal you don't even kaw.
  6. look my build and copy a little :D
  7. In your current state, most 'serious' EE clans would consider you a leak; that being said, there are a few ways you could adjust your build and each offers a different play style, the main variant being how much you want to invest into this venture of yours.

    Most of these have been mentioned in this thread already by name, however, if you are asking for advice, I assume you would like more detail, so I will attempt to provide that for you, along with my perceived costs/benefits.

    1.) Pure Spy (PS) - This would come at the lowest cost to you overall, basically just destroy your Foundry before war and put up some other attack building after war so you can attack EBs (likely don't upgrade it.) The pure spy has limited utility in war at this time. A lot of clans seem hesitant to recruit these as they have no easy means of gaining plunder and effectively give the enemy a 1 bar x xtals advantage over your team; further, if you get a KO as a PS, you shortly become an open farm until the gold is banked or the enemy has dumped enough troops on you to bring you back to 0. On the other hand, PS can not be plundered easily and if you learn to bank extremely quickly, you mitigate any potential farm damage. There are a few 'serious' EE clans out there who seem to have been adopting a strategy that centers around the PS mechanic, so if you choose this build, I'd advise applying to one of these clans, as it requires a very specific/tailored strategy to be really effective, you will just likely need to prove you understand the build well in order to get in.

    2.) Stronghold of Shadows Level 1/Shadow Hansel (SH) - You'd 'make' gold creating this build, however, you'd be destroying all of the work you've put into the account so far, so in my mind, this is a fairly high cost. Further, there has been a lot of talk that the devs will be nerfing this build style soon, so converting to it always runs the risk of being a wasted effort (whether they actually do it or not remains to be seen.) Anyways, the SH build has effectively become the new and improved guild hansel, it's a really small account that pays nothing when hit, weighs down the roster to improve match ups and plunders a ton (relative to its size.) Further, the build only gets better as you stockpile allies and get new equipment. Overall, the play style is rather easy, for the most part you dump troops, then ass/sb until you reach 0 of both, rinse and repeat. Right now these are in extremely high demand, you will get into a clan every war if you want to and as long as you aren't terrible at dumping/following targets, you could fairly easily land yourself into a good clan once you get a little mith gear.

    3.) Towered Hansel (TH) - This will come at a moderate cost to you, but will allow you to play your account basically how you are used to right now. All you need to do is build a little ADT, basically just enough to give you time to dump your troops on a target and grab what plunder you can. Others might disagree, however, I'd ballpark the relative amount of ADT required with a minimum of about 1.5 mil up to about 2.5 mil to do this effectively. You'll still need to be quick at dumping, as you are still relatively weak and hybrids/hansels with good BFA/BFE can easily plunder you, however, you don't appear as the 'major leak' of the team, so in most cases, you wont be everyone's initial target, and that's really the goal of the added ADT. These are decently accepted into clans, you might struggle a bit if you are asking for invites in WC, however, at your size of spy attack, I'd venture to say you could probably find a decent home for season 3, as there is a decent amount of utility to hansel builds in 25 person wars (11 man wars, were another story.) Assuming you have an ok, but not great amount of saved funds and you don't want to drastically alter your build/play style, I think this would be the core build I'd recommend for you.

    4.) Hansel Tank (Mech) - This will come at the most significant cost to you and, depending on how you built it, will likely result in a drastic change of your build/play style/growth. This build centers around the 'hansel mechanic' (hence the term mech) where, if a hansel build has 0 gold out, attack builds get the defender to weak message, limiting the enemy attacks to only hybrid and other hansel builds. This type of build requires a significant amount of ADT AND SDT in order to work and its primary job is to absorb hits (hopefully with the enemy failing) and then grab KOs as enemies come out of pin. In order to classify as this build you need a MINIMUM of 3 mil SDT and 3 mil ADT, however, more is always better and considering your BFE/BFA isn't great yet, if you wanted to enter season 3 as this build, you'd probably want to shoot for at least 4-5 mil adt, as the key to this build is keeping troops high. This build, in my experience, is extremely rare and the few really good mechs I've played against are all in great EE clans (take note of escargot-Snail_King_of_Resets for a great example of this build.) Not only is it costly to make, but your growth effectively drops to 0 from all the towers and lack of other stats. You will almost never be the top of the plunder list in a war, however, if you play the build right and your team understands your build, it is likely you wont get KO'd at all. Further, mith payout also accounts for failed actions on you, so the mith payout for these builds is GREAT. This is the type of build my main account is and I love it, I'm constantly in the action, I generally get the most KOs on my team and I love seeing 150+ failed attempts on me every war, that being said, I play this game purely for EE and this is pretty much all Mechs are good for (some OSW benefits, but limited.)

    I hope you find this break down helpful and if you (or anyone for that matter) would like any specific build advice/want to toss around thoughts with me, you are of course welcome to follow this account or my main Pope_Benedict.
  8. Basically you need to look like plot if you still want to be spy based in ee. Unfortunately the only hansel that is useful in ee is the shadow hansel. Anything bigger is no good unless you are top ally lb.

    If you wish to ee it will take immense, expensive reconstruction, and all the way, not half-assed. Personally, the risk is not worth the reward, I prefer my gold and growing 

    Good luck to you ️
  9. That's some awesome feedback. Thanks!! I'll definitely be hitting you up with some more questions.