I am a hansel and played KaW for over a year now. After reading some basic posts about the difference between hansel and attack builds, I decided to go Hansel, mainly for the $$ aspect, let's be honest! I followed the two guides (viewtopic.php?f=6&t=77193 and viewtopic.php?f=6&t=119213) on how to be an efficient hansel (i.e. generating a lot of ca$h), but I found it came short when its about time to convert your precious Guild lvl.4 build for an SoS/Volary lvl.3 build. Miss Melon tried to answer this question (viewtopic.php?f=6&t=75194) but I personally think it lacked focus and rigour. Starting an hansel build with 5 attack build, not even similar, isn't the most optimal approach. Also, the comments derivated from the numbers presented are just... hum... a little optimistic! This thread does not have the pretention to reinvent the wheel, but simply to complete (or rectify) what was written before me. This thread presents the evolution of the plunder through the hansel conversion process. The values are gathered on the Epic Battle Haunting Before I started the conversion, I had to pill-up a consequent amount of Ca$h. But how much exactly? By choice, I decided to stop buying lands after 20 lands in HL (21st alone is 160B), leaving me with: -43 Guilds lvl.4, -1 War Aviary lvl.3, -1 Castle lvl.3. My stats were roughly (~65k att/def)//(~620k spy att/def) for a total of ~1.4M Combined Stats (CS) Starting Build I had therefore to convert: -23 Guilds lvl.4 (in LL) to 23 SoS lvl.3 = 23 * 14,256B = 327,888B -20 Guilds lvl.4 (in HL) to 20 Volary lvl.1 = 20 * 26,334B = 526,68B For a total Ca$h of 854,568B... And it is not important, but CAPITAL to gather this amount BEFORE you even consider converting. The tables below clarify this statement. After LL conversion: As you can see, after LL conversion, you are still losing ~5.2M per hit!! The lowest plunder point happens after 16 Guilds converted, hence the 2/3 ratio you can find in the other guides. Note that if you start increasing your plunder from this moment, you are still way behind the original plunder... Let's continue with the HL, and this time, I had to convert my Guilds to volaries. After HL conversion: After I converted my 20 HL guilds, I decided to convert my atttack build from T3 to T4. The plunder is larger, and the switch (plunder T4 > plunder T3) probably happens earlier than that, but since you are supposed to convert all at once, it doesn't really matter. After conversion, I was still losing ~2M per hit compared to my original plunder with the Guild build. You can understand the disappointement... It took me a couple extra months to gather the 1,000+Billion necessary to buy the last 5 lands and put a Volary on them. Once HLBC, and after the conversion process, I was finally making a similar plunder as originally. (note: I had only 43 Guilds and would most likely make more plunder if I had been HLBC with 48 Guilds) Therefore, and at the risk of repeating myself, it is not important, but CAPITAL to gather this amount BEFORE you even consider converting. I then continued to slowly upgrade my volaries to lvl.2, with the following result: *Edit*: Now with the last 5 Volaries upgraded to Lvl.2 Currently, my stats are roughly (~150k att/def)//(~4,2M spy att/def) for a total of ~8.7M Combined Stats (CS) *New Edit*: Now with the 25 Volaries upgraded to Lvl.3 Note: The last line is with an additional (balanced) troop building on the HoarFrost Land. Therefore, the CoE has been replaced by an SoS LvL.3 on the LL. This (almost) conclude this Hansel conversion post. I will not be doing further expansion charts for several reasons: 1- The new prices are crazy expensive and I'm not sure I'll still be playing before I got to HF complete with LvL.3 buildings on them... and by that time, some new lands with even more crazy prices will be out. 2- I want to get a little more involved into war now, and will start to build towers, therefore decreasing the plunder bonus from EBs. The last remark I wanted to do on this post is related to the urban legend that I could read about everywhere, including in the comments down here, that would make you believe that the plunder loss is balanced with the EB end bonus. THIS IS SO WRONG! And as always, I have a proof to support what I'm saying. After the 1st conversion from Volary LvL2 to LvL3, I did a full unload of spies. I converted a 2nd volary from LvL2 to LvL3, and did another full unload of spies. Of course, both times, that's the only (36) actions I did during that particular EB. The average gain after 1 conversion is 15,86M/hit (15,859,168) The average gain after 2 conversions is 15,90M/hit (15,898,626) This means that you make an extra 39k/hit (39,458) after each conversion. This correspond to an extra 1,42M (1,420,488) per unload. A-MA-ZING! :roll: In the meantime, you have lost nearly 900k/hit with your soldiers... But that's just details... :lol: I hope this post will help the other hansels (like me) who are sceptical about the hansel conversion process with unproved claims... Now, you have the written proof
Defiantly worth the read especially since I will be converting to a hansel good job and nice thread
Great thread this information will help me alot am currently all SOS and am looking to convert to volary thanks
Apparently, the pictures host don't like what I've done. If someone as a better alternative, I can update it. Thanks.
If your on a iDevice or computer just take a screen shot. And upload that through photobucjet. I'm not sure how to use droid or other devices.
Very well done, definitely worth the read. I didn't notice THAT much of a drop lol. I only have one more guild lvl.4 to upgrade to SOS on LL, and then will start convefting to vols lvl.1 on HL I honestly think this deserves a sticky. A lot of work went into this, and I think it should be appreciated
And people always questioned why I told them guild hansel is better. I'm in the making of a new guide for everyone, you'll see it up in the next few hours. Has allot of my tricks in.
Nicely done. Well done. As for the conversion plunder drop.... Personally, I say, **** it. It's honestly not that bad on EB's. It was WAY worse in the pwar era than it is now. Sure, you'll drop in plunder a bit, but its better than saving up 900b or whatever in gold to mass convert. It'll go back up anyway soon enough at 16 SoS's.
I'm curious how this build plays out when looking at the bonus is payed out at the end of an EB . If vols SOS or guilds are better
Quality work. I decided to convert one of my LL lvl4 guilds to a lvl3 SOS and saw about a 300K drop off. Thanks for taking the time to put this together. Very impressive :!: