My alt is goin Hansel but I rly have no idea what to build and when...could someone give me some tips an tell me what's the best way to go? My alt is bUtTpOop_bOy
Get to 12 higlands as an attack build. Switch to a guild hansel with one CoE. Get enough allies untill you can attack haunting with no pots. Then expand all the way to HLBC. Get to about 5 tril in allies. Then as they start to sell flip your lowlands to SoS. After all of LL is SoS get your volaries on HLBC.
@Krypton: You know how much it'll take before he can hit haunts with no potions? Depending on ally bonus? :lol:
You can make about 10-20bil a day doing haunts and ally market in these times. So you can get an ally a week. After about 4 months you'll be at bout 20 HL with 1.5-2 tril in allies. If your active.
A day. If I just do around… 8 unloads, it's a little less than 11B. And that's daily I just want to save 800B. Will take ages. And ages. And ages.
I'd like to, but I can't check… because I'm lazy. No, JK, I don't wanna miss troops, so I just try each hour. Each half hour should work a little better though.
Those 20B are only achievable for me when on weekend… Yeah, I should… I'd surely make more. It's just that everytime I try, I forget, and lose 50% worth of troops.