Hansel build question

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -_-M0NKEY-_-, Jun 2, 2013.

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  1. Hello everyone I have a question regarding Hansel builds. So, whenever I build a guild on my highlands and fully upgrade it my cs don't go up that much, but if I build an sos my, cs go up a lot. So my question is: is it better to build an sos or a guild?
  2. If you are going for plunder, guild.
    If you are going for cs, sos.
  3. Here's the deal:
    SOS gives you overall strength
    Guilds give you less strength but more plunder

    In my case i prefer SoS because I have no real need for spies, but if you want to make more money, go Guild Hansel.
  4. Strength = SOS
    Cheap, yet good plunder = Guild

    Can't really say which one is better, it just depends on your opinion of size v gold.
  5. For your build op, I would definitely go Guild Hansel, it makes a lot of money. Then you can change builds with your money later on if you wish.
  6. Everyone saying "Guilds make more plunder"
    They're wrong.
    A BCLC SOS lvl3 hansel will make more than that with a guild hansel, but that only works at a certain percentage of SOS's so they best possible thing you can do, is remain with guilds but start saving up some gold, be it in bars or pots or just leaving it floating around, and then convert to SOS in one giant leap, then repeat and convert to vols ^.^. Good luck.
  7. @Doc, that is true but there are extenuating circ umstances. HLBC SoS hansel takes a significant amount of gold and the next progression would be to convert to HLBC Volary Hansel.

    IMO, guilds are better if you want to commit to EBs for a while. Once you open all the lands you can skip SoS to level 1 Volaries. Have fun maxing those to level three.

    If you want to have fun right now then SoS are the way to go. MyPouf has a great thread explaining plunder changes while converting a hansel build in the strategy forum.
  8. 17 SoS and up make more plunder..
  9. My advice would be to stick with guilds until you can afford to skip SOS and go directly to volaries. Building SOS on highlands is sort of a waste since you'll only replace it later, and it can hurt your plunder.
  10. A lev 1 Vol gives more allie bonus than a lev 3 SOS so guilds or lev 1 Vols. SOS is a waste of gold and time
  11. If you're going to be a hansel long term, I would suggest buying guilds and skipping SOS. But if you're going to war, save up enough money to go from guilds to all SOS because SOS lowers your plunder if you have enough of them.
  12. Which spy buildings can be built on low lands?
  13. Guilds and SOS.
  14. Got my answers, so mod please /lock
  15. Thank you doctor. Guild hansels DO NOT make more money. On ebs at least. The end bonus of assassination plunder will go up a lot. Go SOS, better stats and plunder.

  16. Locked
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