Hansel build question

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by III___Knight_of_the_King___IlI, Jan 10, 2013.

  1. I am currently thinking of expanding out on my Hansel build and am curious if leaving all my lowlands as lvl 4 guilds and putting lvl 1 vols on 19 highlands will cause a huge plunder drop (have the good just afraid to test)
  2. Go all the way to High land completion with guilds, then swap out 6-10 guilds at once for volary. Only level 1, then finish the rest of the highlands with volary. Get each building to level 2, then each one to level 3.
  3. I didn't notice any real difference when I started replacing with Volarys on my highland. I put all lv 1 now upgrading to lv 2, I have 10 so far on HL.

  4. Volary conversion has only shown me an increase, so id say youre safe. For plunder purposes though youre better off sticking with guilds.
  5. I have been doing this today. Few more guilds to replace on HL.
  6. Go volary, they boosted my plunder.
  7. Cobra is correct. Clear highland first with guilds. Then change to volary. You will experience plunder at first. But not sure from how many volary lvl 1 onwards will u experience an increase.
  8. Still havnt really gotten my question answered anyone had direct experience with building a large number of vols in the high lands and guilds in low lands
  9. I was also wondering the same thing. If I start putting volarys in my HL over my guilds is the plunder better for vols or guilds? And I also mean replacing them 1 by 1 but keeping my LL guilds
  10. I replaced my guilds one by one and had a plunder increase.
  11. Volaries increased my plunder so I think you are safe. They seem to be different from SOS which have a plunder drop
  12. Volaries increase plunder more than guilds.
  13. To answer OP original question, for volary to increase your plunder you must replace all guilds with SOS in lowlands.

    i have experienced this when experimenting with my multiple hansels.
  14. Lol I discovered this first hand sadly
  15. So do sos on lowlands before volarys on highlands?
  16. Correct tethered was a major plunder drop leaving guilds on ll
  17. Hmm some good advice.