Hansel Build Help

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by VolleyTks, Jan 18, 2011.

  1. Hi I read alot about hansel builds. I understand that it's about having one attack building(beastiery) and the rest all guilds. I just want to understand how to effectively play it. Do I just keep stealing? The thing is the money I make from stealing is really low.. Just wondering if I am doing something wrong.
  2. Buy lots of allys. Hansles r good because guilds give lots of ally plunder so u can get almost the max amount of plunder possible from each ally, so if u have lots of allys and u r max plunder, then u can attack an osf and get lots of ally plunder. Also ally plunder will never drop every hit. When I was a hansle, I made 18mil in ally bonus per hit. I had about 4 bil in allys.
  3. I'm also trying to make a hansel or pure spy...and could use a little help.
  4. So how do I find a osf to hit? Sorry if I am asking a noon question but I just started 2days ago. Whats the way for me to buy more allies since I have all my money in my guilds now :( I have 2 land with 4 level2 guild and the rest all level 1 guild with 1 beastiery. Tks for help!
  5. With my build right now I have 22 level 4 guilds 1 level 2 SOS and 1 level 3 beastiary on a t4 bc osf run I make 520 mil about 20 mil a hit
  6. If a player knows the power of a hensel, it's like a commando with a deadly weapon in hand, don't look down on 1 simple beast u have, it can cos serious damage. In a pwar if u fully unload all troops it will give u like 200million per round. Another usage of a hansel, in battle, u can assassinate ur enemy kingdom down to bite size than ur beast will help u finish it up. In short a hansel maybe a fruit knife or a nuclear bomb, it's all up to u.
  7. Tip don't try hansel when u start game u do it after u reset a few times. Start with a basic normal build.