I currently have 24 guilds in ll, 8 lvl 1 vol, 5 guilds and 1lvl 1 colony and 1 lvl 2 colony in hl. My question is would it be better for my plunder to sell the vols for guilds and sell the lvl 1 colony (seems like wasting a lot of money) or should I just keep exploring hl and building guilds and then save and do a big sos/vol conversion? I also have one land explored in HF, would it be beneficial to build an attk building there and switch both my hl colonies for guilds? Thanks for the help!
The way I did my alt is I have 1lvl 1 colony and the rest are lvl4 gilds. And I'm going to put a tower on my frostlands... the rest are going to bbut guilds... guilds give the best plumes bonuses of any other buildings.... in my opinion
Guilds only give good plunder because they are cheap, the plunder to cost is incredibly small but vols will increase plunder as they do give better plunder than guilds
Thanks everyone, I'll keep on doing what I'm doing, maybe sell my lvl 1 colony and then explore up to the 210b land then save and convert my hl guilds to vols.
Yikes! Nooooooo...don't sell a T5! That's wayyyy to much money to throw away just to try and eek out another 100k per hit.
Search a little deeper in the forums. All these questions and more have been answered hundreds of times. Seriously, use that search engine in your browser