HanBrid HySel?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -Qwerkey-, Oct 11, 2012.

  1. Welcome One and All to my FIRST POST!!! :lol:

    Before I continue,
    Yes, I am a statless alt trying to make his way into the newb-bashing and troll-lurking forums without getting his main bashed into a pulp! I mean, you can't blame a guy for trying to save his own behind from a whooping right? :?
    And no, UNlike my namesake, I can in fact spell properly :mrgreen:

    I am no noob. I have been biding my time in KaW, trying out various builds, and I have stumbled across a build rather unseen, and commonly declared as a "weak build".

    Here's the build:
    6-7Lvl3 Circle of Elementals
    18 SoS and 20 Volaries
    5 spy def towers

    Why? The rational might ask. That's stupid, you'd be eaten by both spies and warriors! Declare the critics.

    Here's my discovery:
    1. The sacrificing of spy attack stats for Circles do not decrease your spy def by that much due to your 5 spy def towers.

    2. The Circles actually boost your plunder lost from building spy def towers instead of volaries. According to tests run by my main account, this build earns the same on average(for first 10 hits) as a pure hansel.

    3. With this build, You can easily eat any pure hansel with your higher attack stats as well as stay safe from spy-heavy builds thanks to towers. Warriors are also not an issue as you have 2 choices; Self-pin or assassinate them till they can be hit.

    So this concludes my findings.. As this is my FIRST post, I do hope the trolls lay off abit and no bbcode fails! Suggestions, constructive criticisms, discussions and just casual banter on this thread are encouraged and appreciated! You'll be seeing a lot more of me in time to come!


    P.S.: I have no photos as I'm lazy to download a certain photo-uploading thirdpartyapp
  2. Re: A New Proposed Build

    reserved for future use.
  3. Re: A New Proposed Build

    I'm confused- he just suggest a hybrid?
  4. Re: A New Proposed Build

    Pretty much
  5. Re: A New Proposed Build

    It would fall under hansel mechanics and not hybrid.
  6. Re: A New Proposed Build

    Creating a hybrid to be moderately good on both sides isn't new mate
  7. Re: A New Proposed Build

    Emeth build FTW!!
  8. Re: A New Proposed Build

  9. Re: A New Proposed Build

    That's what I thought Troll.
  10. Re: A New Proposed Build

    I'd like to see the stats
  11. Re: A New Proposed Build

    cool story bro
  12. Re: A New Proposed Build

    Damn my bb code prowess stops me from failing
  13. Re: A New Proposed Build

    628,464 Atk
    628,464 Def
    4,424,080 Spy Atk
    5,629,900 Spy def

    That's 6 CoE
    18 SoS
    20 Volary
    5 Changeling
    And 1 level 3 castle
    Courtesy of the KaW Build Calculator
  14. Re: A New Proposed Build

    New build?? lol its just a Hansel with a few towers.
    I'v seen similar build on a lot of people.
  15. Re: A New Proposed Build

    excellent grammar hun... you're right you can "spell" just fine... :roll:
  16. Re: A New Proposed Build

  17. Re: A New Proposed Build

    thanks touch.
    my spelling/grammar tends to be horrid :|
  18. Re: A New Proposed Build

  19. Re: A New Proposed Build

    Nice edit
  20. Re: A New Proposed Build

    Might wanna edit again and toss in all those commas you're missing, too. 