Halo 4 Story Signups

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Eaglestar, Nov 11, 2011.

  1. Master Chief must train the new Spartans and or elite, Grunt, Brutes who make up the Storm Team, A team of the two races that works to vanquish the Death Stalker, a Newley arisen enemy that is the arch nemesis of many.

    Biography Skeleton

    Name~ (Full name)
    Spartan #~
    Looks~ (This includes your armor looks)
    Family~(Every one in your character's family or if a big family say some of them or put " too big to name everyone")
    Teammates~ (Names of Teammates, Nicknames)
    Type~<Spartan, Elite, Grunt, Brute>

    My Character:

    Name~ (Full name)- John
    Age~ 17
    Gender~ Male
    Spartan #~ 117
    Looks~ (This includes your armor looks) - Brown hair and brown eyes
    Family~(Every one in your character's family or if a big family say some of them or put " too big to name everyone") - Too big
    Teammates~ (Names of Teammates, Nicknames)-
    Storm Breaker (Selena)
    Kitkat (Katherine)
    Catnip (Katniss)
    Heron Strike (Elena)
    Type~<Spartan, Elite, Grunt, Brute>- Spartan

    [color=sky blue]Thank you [/color]

    [color=light green]---------[/color]
  2. Problem, you copied Katniss/Catnip from Hunger Games, and, you don't know how John looks.
    John is a ******* 17-22 year old man...
    Also, the enemies will almost surely be Precursors or Forerunners, and I'm guessing you didn't read the 1-year-old book about Forunners by Greg Bear (forgot the name of the book...).
    Also, the nick-names seem a little bit...
  3. No. That's not how Halo 4 will turn out.


    After Halo 3, he was sent flying through space in a fried UNSC frigate. There is NO WAY he can train more Spartans, ESPECIALLY SINCE THE SPARTAN PROJECTS WERE CANCELLED AFTER EARTH WAS PUT INTO A STATE OF EMERGENCY AND UNSC CAN'T RISK TRAINING ANY SPARTANS
  4. And there is no flipping way that ANY UNSC sergeant would cooperate with a Brute or Grunt.

    Elites separated from the Covenant, and joined the Humans. The Brutes control the covenant now, they led to the destruction of most of Earth.
  5. Sorry for all the hate OP, but this is my area of expertise.
    I can play Halo 3 RIGHT now and beat it on legendary for you to show you where Halo 4 starts off, or you can just watch the flippin' Halo 4 trailer...
    Though I'm replaying Halo 2 on legendary currently, soz....
    Actually Halo 2 is the only Halo game that ******* FRUSTRATES ME MORE THAN HELL ON LEGENDARY!!!!
  6. Modern games on max difficulty - A her de der, so easy LOLOLOLOL.

    Good ol' times max difficulty - What is this I don't even - FUUUUUUUUUUU
  7. I know.
    If you played Halo 2 on legendary, you should know what I mean when I say, "G-D NO! JACKAL SNIPERS!!!!!"
  8. once on reach I was playing with legendary, cloud, tilt, and the one where explosions make you go farther. The damn jackal sniped a plasma battery and I went flying into a gravity hammer brute, got smashed and killed, and my body flew and pushed my friend off the cliff.... -.- it was funny, weird, and sad all at the same time.
  9. Wow.
    That doesn't happen to me, even if I play LASO (Legendary All Skulls On) with my brother...
  10. Oh, an you mean the skull "Cowbell".
  11. Modern games are way too easy. I rarely even bother with campaign on max difficulty, usually done in a few weeks :|
  12. Hey Look It how I want things
    To be in the Story don't correct me
  13. Done with trying to start story so perma closing this thread