Half Titan Half Foundry better than all Coe?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by _rhae_, May 29, 2012.

  1. Normally I dont post short threads but it's not a big discussion let's just go example 25 lands which is better 25 Coe or 12 titans lairs and 13 foundries or vice versa with 12 and 13?
  2. First of all, it'd be 24 buildings because the castle takes up one land. Secondly, CoEs are better than the combination of CF and TL
  3. Nope I'm going for all coe except 1 of each cf and titan , plus my spy buildings
  4. It's better to do all Coe then mix the other two. You get a higher stat total that way.
  5. I dont think so
  6. 1 CF + 1 TL < 2 CoE in both attack and def.
  7. Meanwhile,

    CF Attack < TL Defense AND
    CF Defense < TL Attack AND
    CF Plunder = TL Plunder + 5%
  8. Id rather have coe...more troops
  9. Coe def > cf def
    Coe atk > tl atk
  10. Coe all the way
  11. 2 Coe is statistically betfer
  12. It would make sense but it doesn't win that way. If you want balenced stats Coes work better with equal attack/defense
  13. I never understood y ppl want half cf
  14. Cf r ok mixed with Coe and vice versa for Tl but never mix Cf and Tl you loose stats and troops.
  15. I'm heading towards all CoE, but hey, what do I know?
  16. Coe even looks better lol 
  17. With all Coe, you regen time is 1 hr 5 min. But with cf and Titan, your regen is only 1 hr. so while statistically higher, it's not quiet comparing apples to apples.
  18. I'll go over three builds here...

    48 Coe 1 S0S
    48 Titans 1 S0S
    48 CF 1 SOS

    Of the three, while hitting another kingdom of the same size, there is less than 2mil gold in difference of pay.

    Now back in pw days...the all titan build would be your biggest gold maker...hard to attack because of its high defense...but not that strong attacking. to me this is the casual type player

    Nowadays, the pure CF build is your top earner. Reason being, it inflicts the most damage to an eb and in return it gets a much larger reward at the end of the eb. It's also the strongest hitter so in war while it may be "an easy" win due to lower def, it's a pinning machine and can take much larger players fighting form pin.

    Coe is middle ground of the two. giving best over all stats, but no edge either way. It also makes more than the titan build in an eb.

    Titans have become the worse attack build to have in kaw now that pws days are gone. unless you're just not here to war and want to ward people off with 5mil def.

    So what i would recommend doing is going either all COE, all CF, or doing a combo of each. Maybe add one titan for % bonus, but a mix of Titan and CF is just a horrid build