Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Planemaster, May 27, 2013.

  1. I thought i'd just share this with you guys… no wonder my sis got punished real bad at school…

    Story of big fat people that so big fat are having big poo poo

    By not really fat (my sis name)

    once there was a baboon and ge felt he needed something yummy so he went to the s**t (* trust me i do not know where she learned this*) place and said " i want to be fat so i can have biggey poo" and the shop person said "you are now big fat and have lots of s**t in you. Im big and fat, super fat big big big!!

    * i do not know why i find this funny but there you have it… a guide to what happens in my sisters brain lol
  2. Wtf Plane. Nice story though  two thumbs up.
  3. It was quite funny when the school phoned up saying what happened… my mum had a "lie" detector and told us to say "i didnt say the swear"… it was funny when the lie detector went "Not true"
  4. Great, because of this, we're going to have to add a worst story ever in fanfic critics
  5. @Warry

    I wonder how that will turn out…
  6. This was not funny.....

    At all. -.-

    OP please get out of FF...
  7. YAY I can finally add a worst thread section lol ware time to get back to work
  8. Charizard, i dont give a damn wether you find it funny or not, please leave my thread
  9. I can easily farm you but
  10. I don't have to leave, I'm not breaking ToU.
  11. i should farm you for putting up this stuff…