H0W do some people make 30bill a day

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *OpTic_PsYcOsSiS (01), Aug 30, 2012.

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  1. How Do Some People make upto 30 bill a day without allie trading obviously i cant because im a altation of a main account what eb do you do to make that sort of money at the moment i make about 15 bill a day just unloading every hour and occasionaly onthe iotems i get about 50 in but ive never made 30 bill in a day unless i allie trade aswell please answer if u make this without allie trading or if you know how what sort of eb do you recomend for a 2.3 bill combined stats hansel with max plunder bonus should do :geek:
  2. 2.3 bill combined lol 
  3. By ally trading.... I make 50b day
  4. Either people with a lot of money on their hands, or a lot of time on their hands.

    Or just bored little kids that steal their parents credit cards, thi king that bigger stats will get them more friends in rl
  5. That the only way to make 50b a day. Unless you get 10 HLBC friends to smash out hauntings and let you solo items
  6. Trya fast ambush clan. Bigger you are, more you earn a day, or try going guild hansel.
  7. Saying warbeasts isnt helpful. Itsa legitimate question. :|
  8. I make 30bil a day just doing haunting no ally trading
  9. Ally trading is the way. And why not? It works very very well if you hire the correct ones. Even better when your small as more people are that size to hire away.
  10. Your individual size doesnt matter much when ally trading as long as you have the earning power to get to the bracket(s) youre trading in fast.

    Otherwise it means nothing. Having a good eye for the right allies though, thats important.

    Although the release of T5 has slowed down the market to slower than a snail.
  11. Urgh, I need to get rid of my inactive, crappy stat 14 bil ally before I start trading, ya know, as a bit of a head start.
    Might as well go straight into the 20 bil market than waste time in the 10 and under bil market :/
  12. Pot spamming on a regen eb.
    Find a nice clan doing Origins in 4-5 hours or somesuch, take down all your buildings but one guild and a soldier.
    Commence the spamming of pots. Try for 3000 minimum in one eb.
  13. Keep it lupus. Better to have a max plunder ally as well so you can keep hitting.
  14. I don't need it do expensive though, señorita.
    For me, M.A.P only requires an ally of like, 5 bil, probably a bit less.
    Why not make the most of the potential 9 bil that is wasted in the crappy ally when I could be making more with it ally trading ;)
  15. Well youre not gonna sell that easily :lol:
  16. I know right :|
  17. You people could read this? They're called periods, guy. Use them.

    And for god sake, it's ally. Why is this word so difficult for everyone?
  18. We are used to the lack of them Sir.
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