H A U N T I N G - Has anyone else noticed plunder going down

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by rooneycam, Aug 27, 2012.

  1. I seem to remember that The Haunting always ended with a plunder total of around 74-75 bil. It now seems to often be under 70 bil. Anyone else noticed and/or know the reason why?
  2. It's only a little bit. The Devs may be nerfing the plunder for the haunting in preparation of a new set of EBs that pay better.
  3. They decreased the plunder a couple of weeks ago...
  4. Oh God please no more new epics
  5. :lol: I think my clan has the lowest haunting plunder
  6. Haunting plunder has not changed but the players have. With T5 out players are stronger therefore they hit harder which leads to completing hauntings with less actions. So it my look like a slight plunder drop. :)
  7. Tell me y'all arent just now catching on to the plunder drop...
  8. Equipments also have increased damage done per hit 
  9. Hasnt there been a threa about this like a month ago
  10. Eq have increased damage done per hit... For awhile now...
  11. It's only because there are less guild hansels . When there were many guild hansels ,they reduced the health less but gained greater ratio of plunder but now everyone decreases greater amount of health and gets the same plunder
  12. It depends on how fast it is completed 
  13. It used to be 90B but I haven't noticed a drop in personal plunder :?:
  14. More damage = less hits per haunting = less total plunder
  15. Omg if we get stronger and still hit t4 eb we are getting less monies! Meh it would be nice to see a money eb in T8 cause equipment chasing in ebs only makes them slightly less boring
  16. Maybe also depends how many hansels in clan?
  17. Haunting's plunder really decreased. I remember when our clan can get 95bil in total plunder. Now just between 70-80bil
  18. *95bil or higher
  19. The reason why clan plunder is lower is because, T5 is more powerful so less actions are needed to defeat it.
  20. If you got small members doing item stage, you'll get a lot more plunder. As they grow, less items will be needed so less plunder.