guild vs stronghold

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by M120, May 25, 2011.

  1. people have said guilds are better than strongholds plunderwise, but strongholds have more stats. which is better and why?
  2. SOS'S are better--- Slightly less plunder for stats 5x better.
  3. If your a hansel SOS will decrease your plunder. Reason is because you get closer in size to the spy your hitting.

    As attack build SOS acutely increase plunder. I know a lot of you think they don't. But they do.

    So morel of the story if your a hansel yes SOS suck for plunder.
  4. As for stats a SOS far outweighs a guild.
  5. Thanks but I don't give a **** how I spelled it. 
  6. SOS have a higher plunder cap than guilds. Unless you are hitting osfs that are below the max of your hitting range, and have MP, your plunder should increase. So for hansels their is a certain point where plunder will decrease because you are closing the gap to an hlbc osf but it'll eventually increase again. Simply saying guilds are better than SOS for plunder is flat out wrong so I don't know why ppl keep saying that. It really depends.
  7. Okies let's see...

    Against an OSF, a Hansel with SoS will get less plunder in a PWar. Period!

    If you're HC, and
    SoS L1 Complete, you'd get about 19-24m per hit
    SoS L2 Complete, you'd get about 16-21m per hit
    SoS L3 Complete, you'd get about 13-19m per hit
    Why the range? Depends on the attack building - whether T1, T2, T3, T4 or L1, L2 or L3

    Guilds are smaller than SoS, and in a Pwar you're attacking a bigger player; you'd get a max of 29m a hit

    Guilds vs SoS
    A L1 SoS HCBC, can steal a L4 HCBC Guild with 5 spy def pots

    A L2 SoS HCBC, can steal a L4 HCBC Guild with 6 spy def pots

    A L3 SoS HCBC, can steal a L4 HCBC Guild with 7 spy def pots

    And the HCBC SoS does even need to use Spy attack pots. Lol

    A L4 HCBC Guild can steal about 60-100m from a T4L3 HCBC Attack Build.

    A L3 HCBC SoS can steal about 100-200m from a T4LC HCBC Attack Build
  8. Guilds increase your max plunder by several hundred thousand...strongholds murder it by 2-3 million.
  9. Agree with Killer.
    A Hansel L3 SoS HCBC reaches maxP at 459b in allies. All allies need to have good stats. No BS stats
  10. Malestone, I have a small hansel and so far every time I've upgraded a guild to an SoS my plunder has increased! It'll only start to decrease when u get to a certain size and start aproaching hlbc osfs. And did I read that correctly? 100-200m per steal?!
  11. No lol that is most definitely not true.
  12. Out of post..

    Just a note...
    A Hansel is  without his allies, he'd get so little cash.
    On the other hand a full Attack Build HCBC with no allies, can get 25m for 1st hit
    Just like a L3 SoS HCBC can steal 25m for 1st steal.

    That shows they're almost equal
  13. Nope nope...
    It's a max of 100-200m per full unload of steals.
    That's 19 steals for SoS
    And 13 steals for Guilds
    1st steal for HCBC SoS on a T4 HCBC OAF is 25-50m
    1st steal for HCBC Guild on a T4 HCBC OAF is 20-35m
  14. Jc what's first hit for hcbc t4 attack build on an hcbc t4 osf?
  15. Ah another area to note...
    Your plunder decreases when...
    1. Your clan is Top 100 clans on LB
    2. You are Top 1000 in terms of allies
    3. You are an LBer
  16. HCBC T4 CursedFoundry with ZERO allies attacks an OSF HCBC with SoS is 25-40m for 1st attack, dependent on top 3 reasons

    Once you start to have allies and maxP, your one unload can nett you 1b
  17. HCBC T4 CursedFoundry with ZERO allies attacks an OSF HCBC with SoS is 25-40m for 1st attack, dependent on top 3 reasons

    Once you start to have allies and maxP, your one unload can nett you 1b
  18. That's why Bakugan Brawlers can hit maximums of 69-89b plunder per Kingdom.

    You can crystal 24x per day, that's 48 crystals per 48-hour war. Right? Wrong!!!!

    Within 1st 10-mins of war, you spam keyboard and unload 10-15 crystals, then onwards, you unload 2x once every 10-mins,
    At the end of 21-hours of war, you unload 3x crystals, then continue unloading 2x every 10-mins,
    Lastly 15-hours after the last crystalling, or 39-hours into war; you unload another 3x crystals, then continue unloading 2x every 10-mins until war ends.

    Guess how much gold you generated?