Guild to HLBC?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by TheTexasRanger, Apr 8, 2012.

  1. Im currently a guild hansel, and I just need 4 more lands for HLC. I've been thinking about what to do after I'm HLC, and I've decided that I'm gonna do attack build. I need info on becoming from guild to attack.

    Q1:Do i save up money and do it all instantly?

    Q2:What is the correct attack build?

    Q3:Does guild get more money than full attack?

    Q4:Do i need more allies?

    Please answer. If u do, u get a free piece of cake
  2. Guild to attack is easy... Just start building attack buildings
  3. Q4: probably
  4. Q4: Yes, I'm 2/3 your size and I have 1.24 million overall defense from my ally's and 750k attack.
  5. You're almost hlbc? Wow, I have like 14 more lands to go and I'm over double your size
  6. @raichu: thats because ur a SoS hansel
  7. Q1:Do i save up money and do it all instantly?

    No. Do it one at a time, but go straight to T4 each time.

    Q2:What is the correct attack build?

    There is no "correct" attack build. It depends on what your goals are.

    Q3:Does guild get more money than full attack?

    All T4 attack buildings give more plunder than guilds.

    Q4:Do i need more allies?

    You'll need about 16b worth of allies to max plunder at HLBC.

    Please answer. If u do, u get a free piece of cake

    No thanks, you can keep your lies.
  8. I would put up one SoS then slowly start converting, get Highlands explored before converting anyway, 17b allies should do you fine.
  9. Holy ****... Your stats suck if you're almost HLC!

    I was barely past LLC with same stats as you, lol.
  10. @cheese: for Q2 i meant, how many attack builds, how many spy builds, and how many spy def builds.
  11. @xtreme: i dont have sucky stats. I make 27 mill an attack and 37 mill a steal.
  12. My answer still stands - It depends on what you plan to do. Do you wanna farm? Do you wanna be a bank? Do you just wanna smash EBs and be a chew toy for clans who like to farm? What would you like to do?
  13. For 46 lands, you have sucky stats.
  14. You do realise that he is a guild hansel, he is not going for stats he is going for money....
  15. It's because he was going for LC first. I've seen this done before. It's not a bad idea. You save a ton of gold by not putting up T4 buildings along your way to HLC. Think about it. That's almost 30b per building!
  16. @cheese
    I guess i would like the eb build better, cause im not a farming person. I usually just leave people alone and stay self pinned on ebs. The reason for my question is that i see the leaderboards and they dont have equal spy att and def.

    Is there probably a guide for that?
  17. People change builds for war all the time. If you are gonna be an EB smasher, then all you need are about 3 lvl3 SOS and the rest make into TL.
  18. If you aren't going to war just put up 48 CoE's and one SoS.
  19. Shifter, I realize he is a guild hansel, dumb ass.

    @op, 37m a steal ain't that great, HLCBC SoS spy makes over 100m first steal.
  20. @xtreme

    A guild is not for having stats idiot. Its for getting good cash for more upgrades. I need 4 lands for hlc. And u? I didnt think so