Im quite new to hansel but I just would like to help as many new people as possible to learn how to be a hansel. Cotents- 1. Build 2. Perks 1. Build A hansel is considerd one attack building and rest guilds. so when you start out look for a clan who does back to back FO and do the Item Phase (With Bribery Gem) If you are one of the only people doing item phase you are guarenteed about 400-500Mill (not maxed plunder) Then build a beastiery and a couple guilds keep building guilds until you can get a war aviary. Then sell your beasty and replace it with a war aviary. ( I personally level my war aviary up first cause it allows me to get more money when starting out.) Now buy all your lands until the next land is 900mill Now buy a allie worth 1Bill (Instead i bought a couple of allies worth 1bill for allie bonuses) this will max your plunder. this makes a HUGE difference on how much gold you will make every eb. now after you have 1 war aviary and the rest guilds save your money until you can afford A lvl 3 war aviary and ALL level 3 guilds. after this continue saving money and peice by peice level up your lvl 3 guilds to maxxed lvl 4 guilds. after this buy all the lower lands and start in the highlands. just continue this process. 2. Perks I personally like to be a hansel because it makes attacking other players a bit less harder. A large amount of players who are attack builds do not pay attention to spy defence this will allow you to assassinate and steal from the ALOT less harder. Also after awhile you can make alot of money off stealing from epic battles. I got bored and wanted to make this forum. Hope this helped you. thanks for your time. xXxRainxXx
A hansel is one who's attack builds consist of up to 25% of their total build. Ie; a hansel could have 2 attack buildings and still be influenced by traditional Hansel ( 1 x att build ) mechanics