Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Motorbreath, Jun 30, 2013.

  1. Hello once again formers, (where the cool people are)

    I want to discuss the hansel build. Almost everyone knows the hansel is one of the most popular war builds in KAW. What makes them so special? THEY ARE GREAT FOR WARS! But why chose a guild hansel, a Shadow of the Stronghold hansel, or a Volary hansel?

    Guild- Very cheap, very good for wars, great plunder.

    Shadow of the Stonghold- expensive, great stats, not so good plunder, good for wars.

    Volaries- EXPENSIVE :(, Medium plunder, FABULOUS STATS :D, and great for wars.

    It is pretty obvious why most beginners start with the guild hansles. Cheap, good stats, ability to war.

    After all 25 lowlands and 12 highlands are explored with a few attack buildings and the rest spy? You convert. Converting is a long and tedious process. There are a few ways to do it.

    1. Every time you get enough cash to build whatever you want, (Mostly Volaries these days). you build it.

    2. Save up a butt-load of cash and burn it all at once.

    3. (What I do) Save up around a half a tril. Then volley players and hit epic battles until
    You have anywhere between .75 tril and 1 tril. Then you upgrade UNTIL YOU HAVE .5 TRIL LEFT. Then you can volley and make cash FASTER!

    BOOM hope you enjoyed this thread. Excuse me for my errors and mistypes its 6 in the morning, I've had no coffee, and I'm taking a deuce. EXPLAIN WHAT YOU ARE AND WHY IN THE COMMENTS!!! CHEERS!
  3. Cool people aren't here. I mean, look at me.

    And well... I want stats :3 plunder is not tht important. So right now i'm mostly SoS and i got a few Vols, but they are quite expensive. My alt however is only guilds, just to see why everyone adores the guilds builds.
  4. I like my guild hansel allot :3
  5. Thanks for the feedback :(
  6. what happens if we only want a few spy and the rest attack?
  7.  That's my next thread :D
  8. i cant wait, im trying to get some understandable help creating a power-hitter build
  9. also, mind teaching me how to do them faces? 
  10. The next thread like this comes tonight
  11. ill be waitin
  12. Alpha_panther, I hope you don't think you're a guild hansel... You're pure spy made with guilds, no hansel bit... But good way to make money and upgrade OP!
  13. I know I'm getting my spies all on lowlands then 4 attack buildings on highlands
  14. There's a thread on making the faces let me find it..

    :lol: :roll: :mrgreen: :) :D ;)
  15. It's under easy BB codes
  16. I'm currently converting 3 hansels to balanced hybrids.. Going for all stats :D
  17. :lol: i think i found it
  18. Nice Zed and stay on topic guys lol