I have recently be thinking about converting to a hansel but not sure what would be better Guild or SoS. As i am doing many Estoc wars lately i have been told guild for Estoc because of the money you make but SoS for the damage you do . I was considering to have a mix if both please tell me what's best for wars.
Much respect for Wulf and fellow (past/present) moderators for creating a building guide................(sigh) :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: I wonder...which one which one?
Go HLBC SOS and save up to convert to volary and SOS if you're gonna war, if a lot if EB plunder is what you want then be a small guild Hansel.
SOS hansel for firepower, guild hansel to be a eb noob... jk. If you only have 1 acct, do not make it a guild hansel though... It is a bit boring, but makes good cash.
Don't hlbc with Sos..... That is a waste of 300b. Hlbc As a guild Hansel then save up 1.1t and convert to t5 lvl 1 and fully upgraded SOS on the lowlands. If you want stats faster go until 37 lands then save up 365b and replace the lowlands with sos. After that replace the guilds on your highlands with lvl 1 vols.
Yes you do........ You lose plunder when converting vols 1 by 1. It isn't all that much but you still make less.
So that means vol is like a guild... except better? wut??? lol. What about me? I have 37 lands, full SOS, should I go for my 40B land and build Sos, start conversion to volary, or what? lol.