Guild hansel's and EE wars

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Erick, May 15, 2013.

  1. With all these threads coming up about Guild hansel's (GH) in wars
    And there unfair advantage I thought I would make my own thread with my suggestions (I'm a butthurt nub) even tho iv never been in a war against a
    GH clan

    So now off to the suggestions
    1st. Why not make it to where plunder isn't based off The kind of builds you have but the number of lands explored? This would solve the issue of how GH can make 50 mill off a hit on an attack build and they only make 15mill back when they hit

    2nd. After a certain number of Guilds lets just say 20 all your guilds are considered T4 builds when applying for EE wars. This would solve the issue of clans filling there clans with 80%-95% GH and filling the rest of the roaster with untouchable LB players giving the calm an unfair advantage in EE wars.

    3rd. I don't know I had a 3rd but I lost it and now it doesn't sound right but oh wells.

    Those are my suggestions to what would improve EE wars in making more balanced teams and solving the EE wars advantaged of GH participation. Sorry if I didn't put enough punctuation's I really could care less about them . Laters feedback is appreciated
  2. Reserved?
  3. 1: no I don't like it because if I hit a bigger person I should earn more since its a harder person to hit and I'm smaller so they should earn less because it makes it easier

    2: if you have a cap of 20 then people will just only have 19 gh and 20th be a pure spy

    3: nothing to say
  4. Snow then all you simply have to do is upgrade if they have higher stats at the same number of lands it's because your choosing to be lower stats by building guilds.

    And your right they would simply lower the amount if GH and have to build T4 builds witch is a LOT higher stats then guilds witch would give more plunder to the person that hits you and would also add to the total amount of stats that clan had when signing up to EE wars making them get more even match ups
  5. I would sit at 26 lands with the highland being a t5 building with the guilds being lowlands, this would allow me to defeat your 1st idea.
  6. Stop it with the guild hansel exploit - we small deserve to war tooand its so much harder for us actually to stay alive-u do realize we cn b kill quickly?so kill us quickly eventhou we pay u small amount-ur problem solve eh
  7. Guild hansels are extremely easy to take out assassinate and move on, if you are an attack build hitting a gh you need to stick to ebs
  8. As u have 1.3mil static spy def, yep so easy
  9. I'm not your average guild hansel either I don't make 50m a hit
  10. Worm if you do that I just said 20 what are you going to do with the rest of your lands? Devs can make it 10-15 then you have 9 lands where you have to choose between putting up T4s or T3s, T3 buildings will keep you lower stats but will beat the purpose of the guilds and if you put T4s you will get matched up against stronger clans that you will be at a disadvantage for having those guilds and since now they can make as much off you as you can off them will you chose to stay GH?
  11. I like number one. that is a good idea that makes sense.
  12. Aiello- I thought that's what I did? By making plunder be based off the amount of lands you have and not the kind of buildings lol