I am planning on making a guild hansel account to support my this main account of mine. But I was wondering what would level 4 guild hansel with 25 lowlands 4 highlands make during the a average 3 hour haunting? With a few pots thrown in there too?
And yeah I am just needing an extra source of income. People I've recently talked to have said the best way to get gold is not by pvp or pve's but volleying.
I have a guild hansel with no highlands and only assassinates and uses items. He makes about 1.5bil on average from it.
Ok, I'd like it to be making 10-12b a day. Probably need around 12 highlands will all lands with level 4 guilds on. Apart from one which would have a t4 balanced building on it
The guide hansel is best for making money while unloading but I don't personally think that the bonus is quite large . Sure you can make around 22 mil per hit and you can average 2-3 bil if your active and constantly hitting but I make around 2 bil with 2-3 unloads and no items used . Make around 3 bil with the last 25% seal (10-25 pots ) and if I'm active and put the seals in from the start , I easily get 4 bil per haunt . If my activity is good enough , I upgrade an SOS to LVL 3 and might have enough for a LVL 1 SOS . Easily make 12-14 bil a day
And the 2-4 bil is just the bonus , not counting what I make during and unload which is around 500mil per unload
With 1 lv3 coe and the res lv4 guilds, only lowlands, on haunting I made 17-18m a hit, had to use 7.5m attack pot
I make 442million unloading my attack troops and get an EB bonus of about 800 mil without pots. Each full unload I get 1.42 billion on a 3 hour haunt with 50 pots? I could make around 5 bil a haunt... Hmmmm
Nomadic- you might not have been at max plunder because I was making 20 mil a hit during hauntings with only LL LVL 4 guilds .
What you said about volleying is true... Think about it, just think about it, if you had 10b on main, 10b on alt, what you might do with that in terms of volleying...
Anarchy, I would first volley alt then use money on alt to volley main then use money from main to volley alt etc