Guild Hansel questions

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by xX-_FIGHTER_-Xx, Jun 19, 2013.

  1. So:
    1. I was wondering in what way guilds give more plunder.
    2. How can I maximize profits as a guild hansel? (building setup)

    35 lands so far


    So the question is:
    Do 48 SOS lvl 3 make more than 48 lvl 4 guilds overall (and in what areas)
  2. Gh pay as much as a big account so it's not the fact they make more... It's you can make as much as a hlbc account with less then 1t invested

    As for making money as a gh, skimming ebs is the way to go
  3. On all of the Hansel guides I always see them saying "if you only put 1 SOS in at a time it will affect your plunder". What do they mean by this?
  4. SoS gives less plunder then a guild, so if you slowly switch from guilds to SoS youll be losing plunder and wont be able to hit harder ebs, but if you mass convert from guild to SoS your stats will jump by tons and then you can hit harder ebs
  5. But what do you MEAN less plunder? Sorry I'm confused..
  6. SoS lvl 1 actually give slightly more plunder
  7. Adds plunder to plunder? Adds more ally bonus plunder space? Plunder in what??
  8. Basically the weird way sos work:

    Unless you have at least 2/3 of your spy buildings (guilds/sos) being SOS, the onky benefit you will get is the stats. Guilds, like what was said earlier, provide the most gold with the least invested.

    So a lot of times, people save and convert them all at once 

    Since you have 35 lands unlocked (33 with attack building and castle) if the rest were spy buildings, you woulsd need 22 MAXED SoS to show any increase in plunder over guilds.

    So its best to just stay gh until land complete.
  9. Really Versa? i've never heard of that before. I know that lvl 3 SoS gives better plunder than a lvl 4 guild though.

    They're basically saying if you slowly convert your guilds into SoS, you will hav less plunder than you would with all guilds. But, if you mass convert to SoS (lvl 3) you should make more plunder than nothing but guilds.
  10. Ok, hiring allies goves you an ally bonus when you attack something, meaning you get extra gold for having that ally, that is called plunder, different buildings have different plunder% and give more money when you attack then other buildings do. Idk how to exactly explain it but just trust me, only use guilds until you have 200-300bil and can mass convert to SoS them from there you can increase your attack a lil to adjust for a lil harder ebs, also for attack buildings you want to use titan lairs, they give good plunder and good defense stats
  11. Oh, you mean what kind of plunder. After an eb for sure, but i'm not sure about hitting someone.
  12. When we mean plunder, we are talking gold per hit on an epic battle, as well as the gold earned when it ends.
  13. More plunder in ally bonus AND in eb bonus... I believe lol, but SoS don't destroy ally bonus until lvl 2 or lvl 3
  14. I heard it second hand from a friend, haven't tested myself but he told me and showed ss of lvl 1 SoS giving better ally bonus then lvl 4 guild
  15. Versa are you sure about lvl1 SoS? ive never heard that before
  16. Guilds get larger eb pay outs, make just as much or more plunder per hit. Often have a better chance on drops. If you are an eb account. You can LC on guilds and bank gold till you can mass convert to a stronger build. Guilds are most effective in wars. High plunder but pay under a mil to bigger accounts. They became most popular for wars. But the do make very good bank if you have the gear to hit haunts with no pots.
  17. When building SOS your ally bonus might go up but your total plunder drops where as for guilds you make more over all plunder. SOS gives stats not plunder guilds high plunder was created because its extremely hard to start as a hansel and build up the guild plunder helps you achieve this especially because spy buildings are more expensive then attack buildings
  18. Yeah..... what she said. Easily make 40b in a day. How 'bout dat?!
  19. Honestly I wouldn't worry about SoS right now. Only when you are land complete and can afford to do a mass conversion
  20. SoS makes more plunder overall, if you make more ally bonus and contribute to an EB more (more damaging hits) you get a higher payout. Guilds only make so much because they're so cheap to put up