Guild Hansel Question

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by TheSpartan, Apr 21, 2013.

  1. I am an alt, and I am wishing to become a guild hansel. I, Sensei, WANT YOU, TO tell me what troop buildings to use. A colony level 3? Or a couple coes? Help please. Also leave other GH tips. Thanks :)
  2. you dont bump a thread after less than one minute of it being made :roll:
  3. Stables all the way 
  4. I bump it to get it to active topics
  5. its already on the active topics when its made :roll:
  6. Oh. I learned something new today ;)
  7. I use titain lairs. More plunder and you get that great defense bonus.
  8. Give op a break ;)
  9. yep and you attack sucks even more.... :shock:

    go balanced building op
  10. Which balanced building
  11. Please give me an explanation why too.
  12. As a guild hansel myself (you jelly? :cool: ) i say go with COE. My stats and plunder has skyrocketed because of those.
  13. How many Coe
  14. 2 COE because it has balanced stats and gives 2 extra hits
  15. As many as you can. I currenty have 5 coe.