So,I am normally a die hard guild hansel fan but I've been hearing recently that there is a certain amount of SOS's you can buy before it actually drops your plunder is that true? P.s. Electix is my alt and you should hire him ASAP
Your plunder lowers during conversion from gh to SOSh until SOS 24 (I believe) when it starts rising until SOS up to 49
When you hit a HLBC GH you get approximately 1m. When you hit HLBC SoS hansel you get 40m+ You need to be good in sales talk to clan owners/ councils before they let you in. Unless you have at least 150m BFE
I earned roughly the same when I was LLBC SOS hansel as when I was LLBC guild and 12 HL guilds. So yes, the first some SOS drop your plunder. It goes back up again though.
It goes back up but it's not the same until hlbc volvary and SOS. Mains getting less than this account when I was gh.
Speaking exclusively for EBs ONLY... this is not true. I have the stats for full unloads on Hauntings/FoD for both a HLBC guild and HLBC SoS hansel. HLBC guild hansel makes more. As I built my SoS hansel I noticed that, yes, at a certain point your plunder starts to go back up; however, it never reached the plunder I was making as a full guild hansel. How much? Approx 3m per hit. Full unload, approx. 100m. Kingdom hitting, I am unable to supply an opinion. -
What I have noticed is as a guild hansel, your GpH is higher. However, SoS gets a higher end bonus than GH. As I posted in a previous thread, its whether you want gold now or later. Now: Guild hansel Later: SoS Hansel however, SoS hansel costs a LOT more than Guild hansel, so it is also easier to just stick with GH until you save up enough to mass convert to SoS/Vol. At that point, you will make more than a GH both end bonus AND GpH.