So I've always thought people who maintained guild hansel was the best way to grow we're foolish now I have hard numbers to Prove it. During a haunting I was curious as to what provided more plunder a guild at max lvl or a t5 attack build lvl one. I wrote down what I had then unloaded subtracted the new number from my old number and made 947285111 gold. Then I tore down one lvl4 guild and put a t5 attack build in its place (the build that has more attack than defense) repeated the process. With 1 less guild and 1 more t5 I made 958092965. So I made 10807857 more gold with the t5 attack build than with the guild. Either I'm missing a huge secret piece of this puzzle or guild hansel is NOT the best way to grow. Also I am pretty sure t5 lvl1 gets same plunder as t4 lvl3 but I'm not positive. Yes I do realize that if your final build is going to be hansel guild hansel is probably your best option since you'd need to tear down the builds you invested so much in that the added money wood negate itself. That's why I'm staying guild hansel on my little alt.
Numbers were during double gold haunts that's why they are so large. But if you half them its the same principle.
Buying guilds are the cheapest to build. That is why it is easier to build. More plunder for your money.
I understand more plunder for your money but you need to put up your t5 attack builds anyway to be BC. So you need to spend that extra money anyway.
So, when you were looking at those numbers, you only wrote down the attack plunder? You should've attacked once from full, let the eb end and seen your total plunder from one hit and did that again with an assassination before replacing it with a T5 building. Then you could compare them with actual, solid numbers.
Get the BFE and you need not worry about pots. You lose a lot less gold between your first and last attack. So you can unload troops and skim spies. Place your money into allies while being HLGH. Sell them off after you get I'd say a few trill in allies, mass convert.
No it was not just my attack plunder it was my overall plunder from 1 unload. Hitting from full troops would benefit the attack build even more.
I recognize I may be missing something but its certainly not that a guild give the best plunder. It def doesn't.
author of this thread never saw clan only with guilds hansels doing haunting = they get overall plunder 100-120 bils without double bonuses or edge onus need = that's fact and why are ghansels best for overall plunder
Do you listen to yourself? T5 is a better end build, but guild is the best way to GROW. You're not gonna slap down some t5 while you're growing. Plus, guilds only go down by around 600mil. Meaning you get the same amount every time, while attack builds can start at 40 and end at 32 or so. Maybe less. Get me?
Congrats on spending an extra 24b gold to make only 10m gold more per unload! you are correct that t5 gives more plunder. but you fail to recognize the logic behind why gh are the best at growing your kingdom. in the time it takes you to save 25b for one level 1 torture garden to throw on your new land my guild hansel will have bought another land or two making that 10m more per hit you get meaningless.
Not when lands are 90b. Also to address the all guild hansel clan statement if the other clan had a ton of SOSs on LL the. They would be hindering themselves. My statement isn't that Gh has no merit as its def better than having SOS down im saying you do not make more money as Gh per hit. But I'm removing my claim because one of the omets explained it to me. You use the money you save to trade allies and there is your benefit. Also to say "you spent 24b more on the build" is moot since you need to spend that to BC anyway.
Guild hansels are special because you only have to worry about the prices of lands, not builds. This makes them easy growers
*Smh bonus at the end of the EB comes from damage done to the EB. Gh doesn't mean you do more damage. My GH alt gets less at the end of an EB than this acct does per hit I know it for a fact I have a Gh alt. you're all talking about correlations not causations. Its always about variables when you're testing something.