Guild Hansel Exploit

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -wE_mlnlmaLimlnal_Fu-, May 23, 2013.

  1. Let's be honest, this is an exploit. I get paid like crazy, people that hit me hardly get paid at all, it nerfs war match-ups... it takes much less time to build a hansel... it's a disgrace to the game. What's the point of doing anything other than build a hansel? Answer: so hansels can have somebody finish EB's for them.

  2. Yup agreed but has been discussed before. Where did iProphets thread go anyways!
  3. Well as long as the devs are allowing this, they should go ahead and release T6 builds and a 3rd land area that is even less consequential. Lets work toward something that takes 18 months to fill but is less effective than guilds!
  4. Ya, i can see how good it works for you with that 2/9 ko record in your last ee.
  5. The fact that your not at mp is pretty cool too.
  6. LOLOL not even MP. Funny.
  7. I bought my ally with my alt so I could buy 6 mith before the Paladin EB is over. You guys are pretty smart, huh?
  8. BTW your Regulators record is nothing to brag about, smart guy. Beating Triple Play must be a real feather in your cap... since somebody at some point must have heard of them.
  9. Sure sounding like fighting words....
  10. Lol! *looks at IGCB, then back at OP* Ya, i would say were pretty smart.

    Bringing up clans though, bad move bud. You won't find my name on a current ee roster, because I'm usually busy smacking noob clans like yours. Look for my name in your cc ;)
  11. You hear what you want.
  12. yes its exploid, only way is assassinate ... but new ghansels have HL towers, so could be hard....
  13. Oh, so your game is to talk smack without knowing the facts, then make threats when you're called on it? That's cute. Hey, I have an idea...

    Never mind, it involves reality... probably not your strong suit.
  14. Shhh, just let it happen.
  15. If you want to talk clans, your clan has lost every war except one, where you beat SoulsofSerenity.... And I for sure haven't heard of them :lol:
  16. I was going to think up a witty reply, but then i just pinned your clan owner instead.
  17. You were going to think of a witty reply, but then you consulted your limited faculties and realized you're overmatched. But yeah, go ahead and leverage the game instead of dealing with the point at hand. Typical schoolyard bully crap. I'm impressed. Is that how your clan rolls?

    Let me break down the logic here:

    1. Play a game long enough to be strong in it.
    2. Get bored
    3. Troll forums until you find somebody small enough to pick on
    4. Be a jerk
    5. Incite violence when they have something to say back to you.

    I see.

    You might look at the clan's war record and realize that it's my first war with them. But why would you look that far? You're simple after all. A simple, simple simpleton. It's cool, I get it. Tell you what., I'll go ahead and dump this alt that I built in practically no time. Then you can continue farming a clan that I have nothing to do with.

    Have fun being a winner, winning at life.
  18. Small enough to pick on? No, don't you see? Thats why I pinned the clan owner and not you. Clever thinker, eh?

    As for the rest, tl:dr
  19. Oh no he didn't 
  20. I'm speaking of clans. I call your war record crap (it is) and your clanmate shows up with a show of intimidation.

    OSW is boring.