Guild Hansel: Debate

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Sly, Jun 30, 2012.

  1. Hey KaWers, I'm going to keep this short and to the point..

    I was browsing through my kingdom, when I stopped and realised, hey, why do I have SOS'?

    Surely, a guild hansel is better for plunder, right?

    So, my question to you is this;

    Should I drop all of my SOS' and CoE's and replace them with guilds, then reach HLBC and convert to SOS?

    Let the debate... BEGIN!!
  2. Sorry, I forgot to mention, all feedback is appreciated and please include reasons why.
  3. How many lands do you have and are they all SOS with one CoE
  4. Reserved
  5. SoS make more from EBs.

    But straight plunder is funky when converting from Guilds to SoS.
  6. Sorry, I have:

    3 lvl3 CoE
    17 lvl3 SOS
    4 lvl2 CoE
    13 lvl4 Guilds

    Next land cost: 70b
  7. The overall increase in strength from the SoS and CoE makes that a better choice imo.
  8. @Gear - I already have SOS. I was wondering whether to tear them down (gives around 120b I think) and build all guilds level 4.
  9. @MissB - That's what I thought, but is it not better to be a guild hansel and convert when you reach BC?
  10. How are you growing? PvP or EBs?
  11. Gear - A bit of both, I prefer PvP but as I own a clan EBs are a necessity.
  12. I'm switching my guilds to SoS
  13. Depends. I prefer the stats to the plunder. I make gold from volleying and allies so the smaller hit plunder doesnt affect me much. Besides, my plunder went up with each SoS.
  14. Its taking me a long time to covert all guilds event bough its been a week or two but in that time I have put up like 7 lvl3 COE about every other say It seems that I would have enough to convert
  15. I meant even thoughlol
  16. You make more with SoS from EBs as you're doing far more damage per hit.
    As you get more SoS the plunder drop levels off and starts to increase again but you need something like 3/4 of your lands SoS.

    But tearing down your current build will set you back months and cost you billions so I can't really recommend it.

    Plus if you were going to stay with guilds you tend to feel like you aren't really making progress (I tried this for a while and you just feel like you're not getting any closer to HLBC).

    So I recommend you just stick to buying and building SoS. The plunder gain from all guilds is only a couple million per hit and actually managing a successful hit is less likely.
  17. Converting guilds to SoS may drop plunder by 1-2M but will raise your spy attack stats do you will get more gold in the payout reward
  18. Keep going. It was hard for me too. Pro tip: A L3 SoS drops plunder the least.

    Don't make the same mistake as me and change all guilds to SoS L1 and upgrade all 1 Lv at a time. The lowest possible plunder for a SoS hansel is when all SoS are at L2.
  19. I'm not sure tbh, a HLBC guild hansel can make around 500-600B a month with ease... It's an odd choice tbh you seem to be somewhere in the middle
  20. Miss Behave- or was it miss melon?- did research on this. It turns out that converting to SoS actually DOES increase your amount of money.