Discussion in 'Strategy' started by iHaveBigMammariesAndBaconHMU, Jan 11, 2014.

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  1. ok so this guide is going to teach to how to successfully Roleplay

    So first off, Roleplay means that you do things with people that isn't really happening, like, "Opens door and lays next to you In bed."

    Roleplay can be clean or dirty. I prefer dirty but it's your choice.

    It's pretty simple, but if you have any questions post here :)

    ~sticky please~
  2. Lock the thread! Quick! There'll be so much hatred on here…
  3. Thanks chubby -slaps your butt-
  4. Less of a Guide, more of a Q 'n' A thing. Oh well, have fun with the trolls, I know they'll be rolling around quickly.
  5. *Pretends to like thread*

    Defiantly best of
  6. Aw :( I will try and make a better RP guide later
  7. If you want a sticky you might want to put a little effort in..
  8. *smiles, looks at hand print
  9. 
  10. I did put effort you lil *****
  11. Don't put GIFs here they mess up people's phones :D
  12. Role play also helps to create a story. Often you can create your own character in it and deliver inspiration to other authors. Often boundaries must be set and settings must be kept current to minimize confusion, however you can choose to not do it for more freedom of storyline.

    OP is basically saying he/she wants dirty role play with someone, which is deserving of a forum ban.
  13. Devil I didn't say that stupid
  14. *Grabs popcorn*
    *Puts on 3d glasses*
  15. *I close KaW on my used, white iPhone 4S, and return to the home screen where the bright icons glare back at me against my dark background. I quickly tap the red, yellow and green Google Chrome icon where the forum for KaW is already loaded and waiting. Tapping active topics from the bar on top I scroll through the list of recently accessed and created threads after they've loaded onto the screen. Finding the one I'm looking for I open it up and hit reply. I intend to lock the thread and feel it necessary to leave a reason why. I quickly type out my response and select the "lock topic" button before hitting submit.

    Thanks op, couldn't have done it without you. :D
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