Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Cobra, Aug 26, 2016.

  1. Guide to Potions

    Last Updated 8/26/2016

    I noticed there was only one other thread in Kingdoms at War that listed what potion to use in any epic battle item phase and all potion statistics. This thread was by llIV----PUPPETMaSTER----VlIl and will can be found Here.

    Edit: Chocolate23's thread also had information on this topic that I will be utilizing to compile all of this information from Chocolate23's thread and PupperMaster's thread. Chocolate's thread can be found Here.

    Puppet's thread only went up to The Gilded Lord and I have decided to make an up to date version. This thread is a work in progress and should be done within a week or less depending on when I have time and how fast you all can feed me information in the comments below or in my PM/Wall. I will be emailing the developers and requesting that this thread be moved to the "Guides" section of forums when I am finished. I am creating this thread on my iPhone and will switch to my PC when needed, so this will be a challenge that I am willing to accept.

    This guide will include...

    - Pots to use in an Epic Battle item phase
    - List of information of every potion
    [Buy Price / Sell Price / Stats]
    - Potion drops from Epic Battles

    What Information I Already Have

    - Buy/Sell price for all potions
    - Potion stats
    - Item phase information for all EB's

    What Information I Still Need
    - ALL potion drops from epic battles.
  2. Re: The Epic Battle Item Phase Guide *WORK IN PROGRESS*

    Epic Battle Item Phases

    Prices of the potion(s) will be in brackets in [Green] and the type of potion will be in brackets in [White]

    Cover of Knight

    Phase 1: Mist of Confusion

    [Spy Defense]

    To The Chamber

    Phase 1: Mist of Confusion

    [Spy Defense]

    The Depraved

    Phase 1: Sleeping Potion

    [Spy Attack]

    The Forgotten Ones

    Phase 1: Bribery Gem

    [Spy Attack]

    The Reckoning

    Phase 2: Healing Aura


    Battle Royale

    Phase 3: Elixir of Rage



    Phase 3: Scroll of the Mage's Eye

    [Spy Defense]

    No Mans Land

    Phase 1: Runes of Detection

    [Spy Defense]

    The Destroyer

    Phase 1: Elixir of Rage


    Phase 2: Elven Shield


    Phase 3: Elixir of Rage and Elven Shield


    The Haunting

    Phase 1 & 2: Seal of Deflection


    No Quarter

    Phase 2 & 3: Seal of Deflection


    Phase 4: Seal of Deflection and Seal of Lightning


    City of the Dead

    Phase 1: Angels of Light

    [Spy Defense]

    Phase 2: Seal of Divinity


    Phase 3: Holy Wrath


    Figure of Death

    Phase 1:

    Haunting: The Escape

    Phase 1:

    Talons of Carnage

    Phase 1:

    New Growth

    Phase 1:

    Scionic Storm

    Phase 1:

    Sporavek's Revenge

    Phase 1:

    The Gilded Lord
  3. Re: The Epic Battle Item Phase Guide *WORK IN PROGRESS*

    Epic Battle Potion Drops

  4. Re: The Epic Battle Item Phase Guide *WORK IN PROGRESS*

    Attack Potions

  5. Re: The Epic Battle Item Phase Guide *WORK IN PROGRESS*

    Defense Potions

  6. Re: The Epic Battle Item Phase Guide *WORK IN PROGRESS*

    Spy Attack Potions

  7. Re: The Epic Battle Item Phase Guide *WORK IN PROGRESS*

    Spy Defense Potions

  8. Re: Guide to Potions *WORK IN PROGRESS*

  9. Re: Guide to Potions *WORK IN PROGRESS*

  10. Re: Guide to Potions *WORK IN PROGRESS*

  11. Re: Guide to Potions *WORK IN PROGRESS*

    I feel like this Is not needed .... Just saying
  12. Re: Guide to Potions *WORK IN PROGRESS*

    If you already know the price and stats of all potions, what item to use on epic battles, what eb's drop free potions, and how much extra money the enemy makes every time you defend using pots then you are correct, this is useless.
  13. Re: Guide to Potions *WORK IN PROGRESS*

    Cobra for mod
  14. Re: Guide to Potions *WORK IN PROGRESS*

    Well I will be applying when I turn 18 so I would like to start being more helpful in forums. Also, I iust started the guide and it isn't even done. xD
  15. Re: Guide to Potions *WORK IN PROGRESS*

    I could have sworn the EB guide that chocolate has put up has the potion information for each EB.

    Edit: chocolate's EB guide does indeed have the potions required for certain EBs and also lists what potions drop from EBs.
  16. Re: Guide to Potions *WORK IN PROGRESS*

  17. Re: Guide to Potions *WORK IN PROGRESS*

    Well that sucks for me... I'll link his and continue doing this one. I guess mine will just have the potion eb drops. I'll try to go in depth on the potion stats.
  18. Re: Guide to Potions *WORK IN PROGRESS*

    Is it not okay to have a quicker reference for things like this, Mei? Chocolate's work is great, but I feel this is quicker reference than having to dig through everything in chocolate's thread.

    Keep at it, OP.
  19. Re: Guide to Potions *WORK IN PROGRESS*

    Yup, just take a look at the guides that are all ready there so you don't end up doing a ton of research on something that already exists.
    Keep up the good work, regardless. It's good to see more people wanting to do more for the community!
  20. Re: Guide to Potions *WORK IN PROGRESS*

    Nice comeback response. 