Well, here is yet another guide for new players to MAKE money, not earn it. So first, if you are a new player, commonly referred to as a "noob," this is the guide for you. First, just like every other guide, go to world chat (wc) and ask for a volley, say this," Hello, I am new to KaW and need a volley. thanks" then you will be hired repeatedly. Maybe some clan advertisements will pop up on your wall (a place on your profile where people send you messages) try joining one of these clans and with your money you earned from the volley, start upgrading. I would suggest leaving around 10 million in gold. Now, go to the allies tab and go to buy an ally. Go to search results and make it from xxxxxx to 1000000 (1million) then search for the players that have attack and defense stats of 900 each. The tend to sell fast and get you 15,000 plus the 1000000 back you spent on them. Do this ten times, then 1,015,000 * 10 = 10,150,000 - earning you 150,000 extra gold. Keep doing this for good gold when you need it. Hopefully these pics work out: Then buy the 900 attack n 900 defense guy Now see what you earn when they sell: Thanks for reading and hope this helps -Kronic King Please post feedback.
I don't think I did - hadn't even read your guide - is it a good read? Anyway everyone is basically taught the same thing as a beginner
and max allies bonus is far more important for a newb starting out than this. the amount of gold to be made at that level of trading is insignificant.
@word: I know but this is more for a beginner, they will learn more about max plunder in guides for non beginners and what not - it's just a strategy so whatever
Max plunder means nothin word. What means something is understanding ally value, the amount you earn when allies are sold, and how to ally trade. Screw max plunder.
that is the worst advice i have ever heard anyone give ever. allies bonus can more than quadruple your income each hit. it is a primary source of income in kaw.
As a small hansel, my min plunder per hit without ally bonus on FoD (for example) is maybe 17,000? With ally plunder, 23,000,000.
Word whenever you start every gold is crucial. So yes this guide teaches new players the understanding of trading allies and making gold. Just because 150k gold isnt alot to you, doesnt mean it isnt to another
You pretty much copied my thread too... Youre problably going to get farmed if you dont stop copying people bro.
k. but that isn't what he said. that isn't even close to what he said. allies bonus is more important to players starting out. as a bonus, they can make money when they sell the allies that they were using for max ab and use the profit from both to buy even better allies.
You can make so much more off of ally trading compared to just hitting EBs with Max plunder. No wonder ur a noob word.
he didn't post anything that wasn't common knowledge. unless he literally copy and pasted from your thread, you all need to shut up about it.
no. you can't. true you can make billions every day by ally trading. but you can make 20bil every day, by the time you finish the lowlands, doing ebs with max allies bonus.