Welcome To: Guide Of Kingdoms at War, By BaconMau5 Index of Basics: 1.) Chat Channels 2.) Choosing Between Hansel/GHansel, and Attack Build 3.) Getting Vollied 4.) Purchasing Lands 5.) Purchasing Buildings 6.) Completing Quests 7.) Obtaining Max Plunder/Hiring Allies 8.) Joining A Clan 9.) Hitting Epic Battles 10.) Upgrading Buildings 11.) The Oracle 12.) Battling Other Kingdoms Index of Advanced: 1.) The Alchemist 2.) Upgrading Your Castle 3.) The Mage 4.) Getting Equipment 5.) The Highlands 6.) Farming 7.) Ally Trading 8.) Volleying BASICS OF KAW (Chat Channels) World Chat Clan Chat Private Chat Ally Chat These are the four chat channels that you will come across while playing KaW. World Chat: This is where people advertise their clan and talk to others globally. I recommend not spending speakers here unless it's for Advertising CLANS ONLY (Not 3RD Party Apps EX: K.I.K), or Asking for a hire/volley. If you would like to talk to someone, follow them or wall them. Clan Chat:This is where people talk when they are going to war or want to talk to others that are in their clan. This is similar to Private Chat, except all and only clan mates can see what you wrote. This is a great method to work as a team on a epic battle or war. Use this all the time to make it look like your active! Private Chat This is a chat where only one person can see what you write to them. To go into a private chat, follow a user, and have them follow back. Once that is done, look at your friends, or go to their page and click Send Message. This will start the chat! You can use this to your advantage! Warning: You may not be able to get any one silenced for most of what people say in PM. If you feel threatened in real life, take a picture and send it to support@athinkingape.com through email. Ally Chat Almost nobody uses this feature. You do not need to worry about this unless you want to talk to allies you may own or someone that owns you. (Choosing Between Hansel/GHansel, and Attack Build) Hansel Guild Hansel Attack Build Hansel: Hansels are strong players that focus on spy buildings and usually have 1 to 3 attack buildings. Hansels are used for wars usually and for more plunder in Epic Battles. Hansels are very popular in KaW and is very powerful build. Hansels are great for farming, warring, making money. I recommend being hansel WARNING: You are very weak against attack builds. Guild Hansel: This is a build dedicated to earning fast gold and dominating in war. These builds make more gold than attack builds by a long shot. I recommend starting as or converting to a GHANSEL if you wish to earn easy gold. Converting is easy. if you have all 25 subs as a attack build, sell them all then buy guilds to level 4. This will give you more money to start with to buy more lands any way plus more gold. WARNING: You are weak against full hansel and attack builds. Attack Build: Attack build consists of 1 to 3 Spy Buildings, and all attack buildings. These players are very popular and can earn a fair amount of gold. Guild Hansels will still make more money than a attack build. Attack builds are very strong at warring because they can easily hit hansels. WARNING: You can easily be hit by hansels. (Getting Vollied) Have you ever wanted to start out with some easy gold? Is it hard making money on quests? Well I will teach you something very helpful. It is called a volley. A volley is when 2 or more people hire you back to back until they reach a desired amount of money for your hire value. For Example: I was volleyed to 113,661,795,421 which is more than 100 billion dollars. When you are hired, you will earn a small amount of money each time. Eventually, the money you get increases into 1 million at max. You can not earn any more than 1 million dollars at the moment, and I doubt this will change. This is how you will learn to be volleyed. Asking others, Asking your clan, Asking world chat. These are 3 good ways to get volleyed. The first thing to do IF playing on a iDevice or Android, Click the bar below where there are people talking and click the chat channel (World Chat, Clan Chat, or wall someone) and type: "I am new and I would like a volley to 2-5 billion " Once that is done, you will start being hired and you will NOT listen to what they tell you to build unless you are an attack build. (Purchasing Lands) No matter your build, try to discover 9 lands. If you head over to this thread by clicking http://forum.kingdomsatwar.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=105624, you can find out how much all of the lands and buildings cost in advance (Purchasing Buildings) Attack Build Hansel Guild Hansel Attack Build Guide: To start with an attack build, you will need to unlock 9 lands total and unlock the forge/beast building. Sell your first buildings now. If you want equal defense and attack, you will want 6-8 Beastiarys and 1-3 guilds. Start by selling your buildings you start with, then buy 9 lands, then plant your 1-3 guilds down on your new lands, next you will plant 6-8 Beastiarys (If you want equal stats) OR 6-8 Forges (More strength and less defense.), finally, upgrade all buildings to level 3 except guilds. Upgrade your guilds to level 2. If you click your page or name, you will see your stats dramatically change. Guild Hansel Guide: To start with an GHansel, you will need to unlock 12 lands total and then sell all your buildings. Start by planting 9-11 guilds down and 1-3 attack buildings, then upgrade all guilds to level 2. Once you start doing EB's and stuff, you can start getting more lands and buildings (Only get level 3). Guild hansels ONLY have Guilds. No other spy buildings. Hansels have volary and SoS's. Once you have reached 25 lands (Unlocking Highland), upgrade all guilds to level 4. Next, save up to buy highlands and continue buying lands and upgrade to level 3 guilds until you get 4-8 highlands. Then upgrade them to level 4. This will start making you easy profit! You will make more money as a GHansel than any other build. Hansel Guide: To start as a hansel, start as a guild hansel and replace all 21-23 spy buildings with SoS in low lands AT ONE TIME. Save up enough to convert all guilds to SoS. You may or may not make more than a guild hansel, I am not sure. This is exactly like an attack build, except you are getting spy buildings. just keep upgrading! (Completing Quests) Quests are special for 2 things. Nobility and HCs. Quests have a 1% - 2% chance to give you a Nob. Certain quests give you Health Crystals (HCs). For information on what XSTALS and Nobility does, scroll to The Oracle. If you want to know what quests give you crystals and more info, visit this: http://forum.kingdomsatwar.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=24806 (Obtaining Max Plunder/Hiring Allies) Getting Max Plunder is simple. If you upgrade, you see that your ally bonus increases. To get max plunder, hire allies until you hit max plunder. To see if you hit max plunder or not, hire an ally (Atleast 10 million worth) and then hit an epic battle. If it does NOT increase, you are at max plunder! To increase your plunder, simply upgrade! I WILL EDIT VERY SHORTLY, I HAVE TO GO EAT LUNCH! I would enjoy some feedback to my guide. Thanks Guys! - BaconMau5
Thanks you all for your feedback, I have added ally trading to the index and I will start editing the thread now with more info!