~Guide to KaW FF~

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by -IIXII-AJ-IIXII-, Oct 10, 2014.

  1. Writing KaW FanFiction

    Hello, fellow forumers. In my continued efforts to get Fan Fiction up and running again, I've decided to make this thread to:

    1) Encourage new writers to write.

    I'd love to see new stories coming out every month.

    2) Keep a high standard of writing.

    Sometimes, I venture deep into the land called "Pimd." Their FF is more our active than ours, but, it's mainly RP. It's sad really.

    The Guide

    GlooMi’s Guide to Writing
    How to Make a Good Character Biography

    Read these helpful threads before continuing. My Guide is on how to write FF for KaW, not writing in general.


    •Writing journal - Keep a journal/Notepad/Writing app on you at all times. An idea can hit you at any time.

    •SS - You see something funny or something that strikes your mind? Screen shot it. You can use it later on as inspiration.

    •Ask questions - You can get the best ideas from the people close to you, to the people you don't know. Simple questions like "How'd you end up in this clan?" or "have you ever been farmed?" can spark many ideas.

    The first thing you will need to do, is to get an idea in your head. Re-play it in your head, start to finish. Over and over again. Find different ways for it to start and begin.

    If you are having a hard time thinking of an idea, look on forums, talk in WC. Follow people and ask them how did they get to this point in their KaW life. A story can start from a single word that stands out in your eyes.

    Do you think it would be a great story? If you can answer "yes" confidently, then, you're ready to move onto the next stage.

    [title2]Types of stories[/title2]

    What type of story are you thinking about writing? Do you have the idea but are unsure of what type of story it will be? Lets explore some examples of story lengths first:

    [title2]Story objectives[/title2]

    When you go to develop your stories, it is necessary to determine what the goal of your story is. Why is your character doing this? Why did this happen? Who did it?

    There are many things you can have your story be about, lets look at them:

    • Adventure -

      An adventure is an event or series of events that happens outside the course of the protagonist's ordinary life, usually accompanied by danger, often by physical action. Adventure stories almost always move quickly, and the pace of the plot is at least as important as characterization, setting and other elements of a creative work.

    • Pursuit -

      A pursuit is the action of following or pursuing someone or something. These stories can be very fun to read because of the twists and turns.

    • Discovery -

      The act of finding or learning something for the first time.

      These types of stories are fun to read because the protagonist finds something of importance, but, must dodge others who wish to keep the find a secret.

    • Rescue -

      To save someone or something from danger. Self-Explanatory

    • Escape -

      An act of escaping from a place, situation, etc.

    • Revenge -

      The act of doing something to hurt someone because that person did something that hurt you.

    • Rivalry -

      A stuation in which people or groups are competing with each other.

    • Human vs. Environment/Technology/Supernatural/Dev-Mods - TBA.

    • Sub-story types

      Maturation -

      The process of becoming mature : the process of developing in the body or mind : the process of developing to a desired level.

      Temptation -

      Temptation is the desire to perform an action that one may enjoy immediately or in the short term, but, will probably later regret for various reasons: legal, social, psychological (including feeling guilt), health-related, economic.

      Forbidden Love -

      To be forbidden from someone. Not just someone. Your one true love. You can't have them, you cant want them. You just can't.

      Sacrifice -

      An act of giving up something valued for the sake of something else regarded as more important or worthy. What does Something your character must give up

    Where does your story fit? Decide this now.

    [title2]Organizing your ideas[/title2]

    Alright, so, now you have your idea and what type of story it will be. You want to begin writing immediately don't you? Don't. Never start writing your first thoughts down into a chapter. You will be unwilling to change any part of it. (Trust me.) Wait a few days before you start to note worthy things down about the chapter.

    After those few days of brainstorming further ideas, begin to write down specific notes for each chapter. It's name, whose in it, what is accomplished. Wait another day or so. Be sure to write down anything that makes you think of the story. You will find a use for it later.

    Now, you are ready to work on your chapters! Pace yourself though. Aim for five hundred words per section of a chapter.

    Developing KaW characters

    *Taken from somewhere else.

    Here are a few questions you can ask to develop your character.

    - What's the character's occupation?

    - What's the character's family like?

    - Is the character in a relationship? What's his or her partner like?

    - What is the character's home like? His or her neighborhood?

    - Does your character have hobbies? What does he or she enjoy doing?

    - What are your character's greatest strengths?

    - What are his or her greatest weaknesses?

    - What is his/her deepest desire?

    - What is his/her greatest fear?

    - What is something this character desperately wants to change about himself or herself?

    - What is something this character doesn't know about himself or herself?

    1) What is something your character deeply desires? Imagine a situation in which your character has the chance to obtain this desire... but there is a terrible obstacle in the way. (What obstacle? You decide.)

    2) What is one of your character's greatest fears? Imagine a situation which forces your character to face this fear in order to achieve an important goal.

    3) Who is someone your character hates? Imagine a situation which forces your character into a major struggle with this person.

    4) Who is someone your character loves? Imagine a situation which threatens to cut your character off from this person. How does your character react?

    5) What is one of your character's greatest weaknesses? Imagine a situation in which your character must overcome this weakness or risk losing something s/he cares about deeply.

    6) Imagine a situation in which something your character doesn't know about himself or herself is about to ruin his or her life, unless the character is capable of making drastic changes.

    7) Who are the people your character cares about most? Imagine a situation in which your character must choose between two of them.

    [title2]Developing plot[/title2]

    Asking yourself these simple questions can easily get you started on the correct path.

    Where does your story start? (Before the event, during the event, after the event.)

    Why does this event happen?

    Is the event a good or bad thing?

    Who caused the event?

    If the event occurs, what will happen?

    Who is tasked with helping or stopping the event?

    Who stops it? How?

    Remember, you don't have to answer all these at once. Take one question and write a paragraph on it. If nothing pops out in your mind, write down words that come to mind about your story.

    [title2]Developing chapters[/title2]

    It is very important to plan out your entire book before writing a chapter. Follow this format to help you in developing your chapters.

    Remember, ACT I is the setup. ACT II is the development. ACT III is the climax.

    *Title - Pick three possible titles. When you finish writing the chapter, pick the one that fits the chapter.

    *Characters - Who is in this chapter? How do they feel? What are they wearing? Who are they with?

    *Chapter itself - What happens in the story? From start to finish, write out exactly what happens.

    ` Where does it start?
    ` What gets accomplished

    Notes: Keep a special spot for notes.

    [title2]Story thread[/title2]

    You are eager to let all of KaW know about the first chapter of your story now, am I right? Well, let me tell you how to make a proper story thread.

    First post - You want your first post to be mainly informational. Updates/Characters/the land/All the things you want to avoid in story.

    Second post - The story overview/prelude
    is what will draw in the readers.

    The posts afterwards will be chapters.

    Feedback - it's your choice to make another thread for feedback or not.

    • Visuals -

      This will be your best friend.
      Kaw Fan Kit

    • Permission -

      Always ask the person/clan owner before using them in a story. They can request to be taken out.
    • Tags -

      Be sure to tag stories to let people know what the thread is. It will save you a lot of hassle.
      Example: [Story]Title[New Chapter]

    [title2]Writing quotes[/title2]

  2. Re: Beeper

    Wall of text mate, brake it down into paragraphs.
  3. Very nice thread and well put together. I wish FF threads showed up in the AT. ... But I may be using this thread in the future for guidance so, thank you.
  4. How many times do I have to stress this very simple thing. There is a kaw fan fiction section that is to be used for this very type of stuff. It was made so active topics wouldn't be full of stuff like this. Use it 
  5. They do show up in AT now. Nice thread
  6. o_O I thought they changed it with new update. Maybe not.

    Either way, its better than 99% of whats in AT right now.
  7. o_O maybe they did start allowing it in at. Sorry about that then. Idk. Why wasn't anyone told of this?
  8. AJ! What are you doing in KaW when you could be writing novels irl and making gobs of money?
  9. Wasn't exactly supposed to bumped. :?

    Gosh, Robot.
  10. Check what category it is in before you post please.
  11. I believe that we were told but it was on an annoying ass locked thread that kaw puts out so it was in AT for maybe an hour tops
  12. Sorry replied before I saw this message my mistake.
  13. Like eclipso said, the announcement was in active topics for maybe a few hours. Last I heard was that fan fiction would not be in active topics. So, I had no need to check the category.
  14. Check his post where he corrected himself before you post please and thank you. :roll:
  15. Oopsie! :(

    But yeah apparently they do show up in AT. Wasn't aware of that until now.
  16. Lol. All posting at the same time. Awkward 
  17. This guide still better than most of the random ones people do.
  18. Either way. FF was never ever looked at...I'm happy with the devs changing of it.

    I only wish there was a better way to make chapters.