Note I said growing strong and not fast To grow strong you have to have people you can trust. This is how to do it. Find a clan that is active in cc and does many ebs (I joined Born the Best to do this) and join it. You might grow fast or slow at this point because it depends if your very active or kinda active. When you join the clan do the ebs and USE CC!!! This is important. In my clan people use cc to say I was farmed. Use cc to have conversations and have relationships with the other members. Follow the admins and the owner and talk to them once in a while. Give a suggestion or two but don't be a noob. As you gain that clans trust also keep up in the ebs. Keep on earning money. Use this money to buy allies and and buildings. You want to have more allies than buildings because they give you a plunder bonus. Buy an even build(I didn't because I didn't know about it then) which is buying atta building and def buildings evenly. This should keep the money going and should help you in farming situations. I hope this is good, I spent 20 min writing this so pls use it. This is a repost to fix my earlier one. Post comments below.
Guide to Growing Fast by orthokid on Wed Aug 24, 2011 12:54 pm Note I said growing strong and not fast ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Please correct this. I havn't read the rest of the guide yet but this bugs me. Edit: The rest is ok, but the part where you want more allies than buildings isn't exactly accurate. Gold invested in allies is what I believe you meant here.
Maybe people should wait till they've actually "grown strong" before they post a how to. No offence to the op but your guide may be taken more seriously if you had a little more size/stats to back up your guide.
Oops, sorry. I copy pasted and forgot to change it. I would change it if I had a PC, unless there is a way to do it with iPod