Guide To Growin: Ash's Way

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *XCIxIHlxlIIxISIxIAIxIYIxIA (01), Aug 20, 2011.

  1. Understanding the Game
    The Ultimate Guide to KaW
    The first thing you need to know: NO FARMING!! This is the biggest problem that new users have, and it causes many problems among the bigger players that know better than to farm. Farming is 5 hits in less than 24 hours. If you do this, you will be kicked from the clan you are in.
    The second thing you must learn: Never hit a closed OSF or OAF. These are the ones that open to either clans, or to WC. WC is World Chat, in case you didn't know. OSF stands for Open Spy Farm. They have all spy stats, and you attack them. OAF stands for Open Attack Farm. They are the exact opposite of a OAF. They are the key component to the PW's that we will have regularly.
    PW's are Plunder Wars. They are meant to help people grow. In them, you hit the osf/oaf to get gold. At a set time, the clan hitting the osf will forfeit, giving all the gold to the osf/oaf's. This helps them grow, so they can open again in the next PW. Check Clan Announcement for opens during PW's and off of them, assuming you are big enough to hit them.
    One thing you need to know, is how to make gold. The best way to make gold when out of a PW, is to, if big enough, check for WC openings. OSF's will open every now and then to WC. We also will open our OSF's every once in awhile, to help you grow. Another way to get gold is to do quests. They will get you a lot of gold when you get farther into them. They can also get Health Crystals, which will regen your troops.
    Next, the builds you should make: The best build at the early levels is all lvl 3 forges/beastiary's. Beasts give extra troops (100 extra at lvl 3). Forges give higher attack. I always go Beasts, because once you have a lot of beasts, you get higher plunder as well. Once you reach 20 lands, start converting lvl 3 forges/beasts to Aviary's/Subteraneans. Make sure you have enough to make a lvl 3 Aviary/Sub. A fully upgraded T3 costs 1.33 billion gold. A lvl 2 sub is only as powerful as a lvl 3 forge, and lvl 2 Aviary's are only as strong as lvl 3 Beasts. Aviary's are like Beasts in that they give extra troops, plus they give an even better plunder bonus. Subs are like Forges, in that they have higher attack. Once you have 10 lands, buy a guild. Make it at least lvl 3 b4 you get the next land. Once you get to land 20, the 21st land should have a lvl 3 guild as well. Also, at this time, you should have the first guild to lvl 4. A fully upgraded guild costs about 976 million. The 22nd land should have a guild put on it. Make sure you have both of them lvl 4 before reaching LC, which means Land Complete. Then, you need to get allies.
    Allies help you reach max plunder. Max plunder is very helpful, as you will get gold quicker. The best way to do it, is to get as high priced allies as you can by land 10. Make sure by land 15, you have at least one ally worth 1 billion. By and 20 you should have at least 3 1.5 bil allies. This should leave you close to max plunder. By LC, make sure you have 5 2 bil allies. The guilds will make your max plunder higher, meaning you will need higher allies to get gold. By the time you get the Highlands, make sure you have AT LEAST 15 bil in allies. That may seem like a lot, but if you do as I have said above, it shouldn't be too hard.

    All this should help you reach your max potential. I have said nothing about T4 builds as of yet, as I know nothing of them. Please check back once I have some knowledge of it.
  2. Farming is fun
  3. ....
    Thread Just because it say no farming
    But 99/100 for no colors my eyes dont hurt!!
  4. One part the I actually read is wrong farming should be encouraged
  5. Is this a joke?

    It seems like the guide to how to be a pwar noob. No farming and do all pwars. That's stupid. And their is already guide for this.
  6. Hmmm. Ebs are better than pwars for growing. Farming is good. Always hit closed osfs for the lols. :lol:
  7. Itne[/coloreds color.
  8. Fail
    It needs color.
  9. No color!! My eyes dont hurt yet
  10. No you don't. War cathedrals have the highest plunder of that tier.

    If you are looking for a build guide, this one is fairly detailed.
    Guide to a Fast LC
  11. This is not a guide for real wars. Its a guide for growing. After you grow a bit. THEN do some RW's. But I have learned that doing RW at an early stage causes no growth. As for farming, sure, it's fun, but it tends to get you in trouble. As to the EB's, I actually wrote this several months ago, when I created my old clans Forums. So I have nothing on EB's. And I will probably not do EB's. Because EB's are not my area of expertise. This guide was compiled by some of the best. I was just the gatherer of the info. So hate my informants, not me. lol.
  12. Worst
  13. The first paragraph made me lol. You fail.
  14. This should be moved to Off Topic
  15. U fail to mention to build cathedrals and summoning circle and once u reach lowland complete don't go on to highland with t3 build Finnish ur BC with t4 then move on to highland

    Tsk tsk this is the slowest way to grow GUIDE!!