Guide to Being a Successful Admin

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Night_Alex, Apr 6, 2011.

  1. Table of Contents

    1. Introduction
    2. Handling PW Opens
    3. Handling Farming
    4. Mentoring
    5. Sharing your Ideas
    6. Handling Hit N Runs


    1. Introduction

    This guide was made for decent players who are admins in their clan to learn how to be more helpful. If owners are reading this, I'd suggest having your admins read this guide!
    To fully understand this guide, you need to have an adequate understanding of the game and some of the slang terms of KaW.
    My Experience-- I've been an admin in 2 clans, and I owned a clan. I'm currently an admin in "Wrath of Hell".

    2. How to Handle a PW Open

    Change the ticker. Make sure people know who they're hitting and if they're spying or attacking.
    For Remote Opens-- OSF will ally up and leave gold out. When DTW, buy an ally. After 5 mins, assassinate 30k spies so OSF loses less money per minute.
    For Active Opens-- Change the ticker at open and close. Periodically check in with the OSF (especially on continuous opens).

    3. How to Properly Handle Farming

    Remember the definition of farming- Attacking, stealing, or assassinating (NOTICE THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE SCOUTS!) one player MORE than 5 times for at least 2 days IN SUCCESSION. Don't do anything if the situation doesn't count as farming.
    Find out who's doing it. If it's a spying issue, tell the person being farmed to take all the cash they have and put it in spy defense pots until the farmer loses.
    Once you know who's doing it, wall the farmer. If it's one of your own clannies, talk to them in CC.
    Once you've contacted the farmer and they've stopped, contact an admin of their clan, notifying them that their clannie has farmed a clannie of yours.
    If your clannie was the farmer, apologize to the farmer AND an admin/the owner of their clan.

    4. Mentoring Smaller Clannies

    Once you know that you're the person's mentor, look at their profile. Check out their stats and assess what you might need to teach them. If you can, hire them. It shows that you're looking out for them and genuinely attempting to help them learn and improve.
    Encourage them to ask you questions! Try to answer them fully and simply. If you use KaW terms like Max Plunder, LCBC, or PW, explain what they mean.
    Try your very very VERY best to not to be bossy. No one likes being bossed around.

    5. Sharing Your Ideas

    In my clan, when we have ideas that may change the plans of the owner, ALL of the admins must agree on the idea before pushing it to the owner. The owner may still "veto" the idea, and reject it. This is like Congress and the President of the US.
    If you want to do this in your own clan, talk with your owner!
    To communicate with clan management easily and more privately, I'd suggest the free app Palringo. It's also available on PC and Mac, plus there's mod and admin features in groups.
    Remember-(If your clan owner is a good one) Your clan owner will be open to your ideas because THEY ARE INTERESTED IN THE ADVANCEMENT OF THE CLAN AS A WHOLE! If they aren't, I'd suggest that you find yourself another clan.

    6. How to Successfully Run a Hit and Run PW

    Advertise on WC. Make sure to include clan name, and your stat requirement. An example- FREE $ @ Wrath of Hell4.8M OSF OPEN500K STATS 4 STAY N PLAYNO REQ 4 HIT N RUN. Remember not to spam or you'll get silenced/banned.
    A good idea is to have one admin advertising and one admin letting applicants in. If you have a stat requirement, the admin letting people in should check each profile to make sure people meet the requirement.
    YOU DO NOT NEED TO KICK HIT N RUN PEOPLE WHEN THEY'RE FINISHED! Their plunder stays even when they leave, but it doesn't show up on the war history record for the war.
    Make sure your ticker is clear and accurate, with OSF/OAF name and if they're hitting or stealing.

    Thanks for Reading my Guide!

    PS- If there's anything else you want to know about, wall me and I'll answer to the best of my ability!
  2. You have nothing here about real war?
  3. I made this for more advanced info and I assumed decent admins would know how to handle REAL war :/
  4. Dont understand the assinate 30k thing plz explain
  5. Osfs lose more gold per hit if they have more spies, so by assassinating u waste their spies saving them money
  6.  Correct
  7. U assinate them r u go into the osfs profile and assinate someone on battle screen
  8. Whichever one you're doing an open on.

    Correction to Part 2 Bullet 2 on Remote Opens-- The OSF needs to be at 30% spies, so you'll need to assassinate 70%! Ask your OSF about their spy amount and do the math :)
  9. Please continue to give me feedback! I'll be compiling other guides SOON!
  10. 20% spies is the lower limit, not 30%. Unless that's there as a buffer to avoid pinning.
  11. It is :) thanks for noticing
  12. It is there to avoid pinning thx 4 noticing! :)
  13. Lol double post. I thought first post failed. Lololololololol
  14. I will add an addition to this later including real war and unofficial war
  15. Any other things I should add?
  16. This is good, but would be better if all the pw stuff was replaced with real war stuff.
  17. My addition will include Real Wars :)
  18. Wall the farmer? You sir are a noob that just gives him/her a link to the clan forever so then he'll/she'll probably be able to find the farmee (yeah I just made that up) for a long time.