Guide to Ambush for Hansels

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by TotallyNotAnAlt, Apr 28, 2012.

  1. In an effort to discover how to maximize plunder in the EB Ambush I have done the following research. The research below was done primarily in the last phase, Daybreak. Daybreak is the phase that you can potentially lose plunder if you don't utilize your troops and spies correctly.

    Here is what we know about Ambush:
    - Any attack stat can hit top bar
    - Regardless of size same damage is done, for example someone with attack stat at 3mil does the same damage as a guy with 15k attack stat. Same applies to assassinations. This only applies to the top bar(Golem Horde). Titans differ in this aspect I believe.

    I. BUILD AND ALLIES (My Current Build)
    A. 31 lands explored, next land 13bil
    - 1 x Castle, lvl 2
    - 1 x Cursed Foundry, lvl 3
    - 29 Guilds, lvl 4
    B. Allies worth $15,614,912,399
    - Attack bonus: 151,022
    - Spy attack bonus: 13,650
    - Currently at Max ally plunder bonus with $17,470,192 on attack

    II. ASSASSINATION (Full unload = 36 actions)
    A. Plunder bonus from EB on 36 assassinations was $329,375,919
    - This breaks down to $9,149,331 per action

    III. STEAL(full unload = 18 actions)
    A. Plunder from steal on Gemstones($):
    - 22,510,937
    - 21,215,307
    - 19,919,678
    - 18,624,047
    - 17,328,419
    - 16,032,788
    - 14,737,160
    - 13,441,529
    - 12,145,900
    - 10,850,272
    - 9,554,641
    - 8,259,013
    - 6,963,382
    - 5,667,753
    - 4,372,123
    - 3,076,494
    - 1,780,864
    - 485,235
    B. Bonus at the end of EB
    - At the end of the eb I was awarded $131,705,344 for 18 actions.
    - This breaks down to $7,316,963 per steal on top of my plunder already gained
    - I found that to be rather interesting

    IV. ATTACK (Full unload = 24 actions)
    - As attacking is pure profit then there is no need to discuss the results from them. I suppose at sometime I could see what the bonus at end of EB is per action on attack, but again really not necessary.

    - Obviously hitting 1-3 times every five minutes is best but lets face it an EB doesn't require that much attention, and unless CC is engaged in good conversation then this would seem ridiculous.
    - Half unloads seem to be the best as there is a 30 min break or so between regens, but again still requires a lot of activity for an EB.
    -For the hit and Run full unload: Unload all troops as they are pure profit. Do 16 steals and the rest assassinations as that will give you max plunder potential with spies.

    Hope this helps for any growing spy builds. Soon I will do a break down for Haunting and do a comparison between the two Ebs to see which is really better for a growing Hansel. I apologize for format issues as Forums have a different formatting that conflicts with word in regards to word wrap.
  2. Awesome Guide!! Great help :D
  3. Nice, interested to see your next posts...
  4. Nice Thanks for this, I look forward to the Haunting thread too
  5. something did just occur to me, the amount of actions asssassinating can give you vs the amount of steals. gonna look at my data to confirm what is really best, based on full unloads(STEAL vs ASSA)
  6. MAX potential plunder on full unload of spies with ASSA= $329,375,919 vs with full unload on STEAL= $338,670,886. To figure 16steals and the rest ASSA i have to do another Ambush, i forget how mant asssassinations I can get after 16 steals
  7. Sticky!!
  8. Read half a word and im not trolling, seriously TL;DR
  9. any more input on SOS builds would be nice too. Ive realized when I had some SOS at lvl 2 my attack plunder bonus dropped but I got a little more on steal. If I could come across enough money I will convert the 29 guilds I have to SOS to find out
  10. I disagree with that. From ur experiment, assa pays better. Then u should do assa alone with no steal.

    First steals seems to pay copiously. However, the stolen amount, participation reward of steal and participation reward of assa are all directly related to ur spy lvl (amount of spy in ur bar).

    Hence 2 assassinations pay better than a steal at any given spy lvl.
  11. full unload of assa pays: $329,375,919
    full unload of steal pays: $338,670,886
  12. My rule of thumb on ambush is don't do a steal unless you will make 15mill plus. My alt has 29 lv 3 SOS and starts at 25 mill first steal, but knocks out a lot of gemstones) so I basically drain first half steal, second half assa and move on with my day.
    If your a smaller hansel build, stealing a few mill can just be a distraction
  13. Nice guide 
  14. I have found that stealing to 13m and then assassinating the rest gives me more plunder then what your suggesting.
  15. Attac the enany and kill
  16. I ambush,).Y.(
  17. Bump as I see a few questions about Ambush