How to avoid becoming a farm. I know that the basic answer would be to stock up on defense items, but that doesn't always work. I'm being targeted by random people with stats that are nearly twice my own and I'm barely able to make enough money to keep buying defensive items. Some people attack multiple times too, up to 8 times at once. So a proper guide could be helpful.
Become friends with a lot of people or join a well known clan. This way most will avoid you for fear of retaliation. Have you tried talking to your assailants?Maybe they think you are inactive. Saying something may stop the hits too.
Generally, just say something respectful like "please keep it at 5." saying please don't hit me just makes it seem like you think you should be immortal. If you get repeatedly attacked multiple times by the same person, they're usually the farmers that are well known by others, and others gladly help if that Is the case. Just remember, be respectful and don't expect to be immortal
What about defending against random people? Most of the attacks I've been getting are usually just one attack per person from 10 or so different people with the occasional farmer with 3+ attacks. Those people are wasting all of my items that I'm trying to stock up on for farmers. The thing they have in common, though, is that their stats are WAY higher than mine......
Well... The best answer I can give is don't buy them until you start making bog money. Your gonna get hit either way. And if you lose, you're out the gold they take + the cost of the items. Don't put more into items than what you normally lose. Like if you lose 125,000 when you're hit, don't spend more than 125,000 on defense potions. If you're spending 300,000 on potions and you still lose, you're out a fair chunk of gold.
I agree, Scarlet, about 80% of the people who hit me are too weak for me to hit back. Anyway, my point is we NEED a guide for this.
Arguably, farming doesn't exist. It is a war game after all. Keeping it to five is just a courtesy act. More than five some people just find to be rude, and it's just labelled as farming. I don't mind five random attacks, or even 7. (10 is a bit much and they get a request from me to stop) But when I am repeatedly targeted by the same person multiple times in one day, then I get angry And retaliate, But I still keep it at 5.
There is no way to make a guide for this... There is no way to take yourself off of the battle list. It's a war game. You have to deal with the attacks. You're never gonna be able to stop every attack. Oh, and adding to my post above about potions... If you spend more on potions than you normally lose, and you still defend successfully, you spent more on those potions than the opponent would have taken. So you might as well have lost.
I have been attacked more than 5 times by the same person within an hour, one person even attacked 10 times in 10 min. As for not spending more than I would normally lose if I lost the battle, I'd rather they not get the money than cough it up. Plus I want a high win/lose ratio. Besides, the amount I lose depends on how strong the person is..... Anyway, that kind of info would be helpful for newbies. Do you think you could write a guide on dealing with being farmed?
Best advice I can give is to ask politely to stop. If they persist, there are plenty of players that will help (as long as you're not a public enemy yourself). And for the high win/loss ratio, Just attack more. That's the best advice i've got for you... Just do your best to defend, and accept the fair losses (fair meaning not excissive attacks from one person). If you can hit them back, go for it. Just don't turn into a "farmer" yourself.
Plz go to the AppStore and click on the search bar. Type palringo into the search bar. Download the lite version. When finished loading go to groups and join group called lilj2010. Tryin to get many people to join๎
Instead of buyin def potions buy attack potions. They cannot take those when they hit you. It allows you to "bank" your money. Yes u lose 25% when selling to buy land or upgrade but it's effective at safeguarding your earned cash.
Instead of buyin def potions buy attack potions. They cannot take those when they hit you. It allows you to "bank" your money. Yes u lose 25% when selling to buy land or upgrade but it's effective at safeguarding your earned cash.
There was a guild guide the other day can I see it again it was about which guild build was good for each eb