Table of contents 1. What to 2. What not to do 3. Who to ask for help 4. Why people don't like you 5. Vocab What to do. You don't want to be undecided on what guild you want. There are basically 6 options: all attack with little defense, all defense with little attack, all spy, half spy half attack/def and the mixtures of them. You want your building accordingly. Generally you always want to start non spy. But before you start you must ask ONCE on world chat for a volley. Only once is enough. Just say "can you volley me. I just started." then you are done with asking for volleys in world chat. Then once you get about 30 million you want to start building the buildings that cost 1.5 mil and start upgrading them to level 3. Chose the building according to which set up your using. You are now on to step 2 getting allies and joining plunder wars (check vocab for definition). Plunder wars are always advertised on world chat so join them when can and always stack up on expensive powerful allies as they will earn you money. This section is very simple. Follow the rules found in the rules section in forums. Just for the courtesy of other players we ask you not to attack people more than 5 times, aka farming. This isn't a rule just being nice. Also do not waste your crystals on quests. These will come in handy when your making 10 million a hit and upgrading fast. Who to ask for help. Well, you are always welcome to ask me. Who you don't want to ask is anybody on leaderboard. They will not respond. At least most of them. Don't ask mods either they will just point you to forums like this one. You are always allowed to just ask a question in the reply and someone will answer. This may seem like a funny question but people are hated on this for stupid reasons. People hate it when: 1. You post either "hire me" or "volley me" on world chat. You should only use volley me once. 2. Attack them when they have closed on either status or title. (check vocab) 3. Spam world chat with random. This will also get you banned. 4. Making fun of people hire levels then you. I don't even know why someone would do it. 5. Attack somebody that has 0 def when not allowed. You will know if allowed if they open on world chat or clan announcement. Finally vocab: Farm=more than 5 hits in 24 hours Plunder war= war where one side are regular attackers and one side are OSFs that let you attack. Quick money Volley= 2 or more people constantly hiring someone WC=world chat CC=clan chat AC=Allie chat CA=clan announcement-located at top of clan chat Open*=allowed to hit Closed*=not allowed to hit OSF=people that have no defense or attack OAF=people that have no spy's Ty=thank you Np=no problem Status=looking at players page message near top *generally only for OSF If anybody has anything to add please do say and I'll add in an updated version. Please leave comments and refer new players here. Thanks Mr_Spartan
Or option number 2 kids go to this website .. It has all kinds of information ... Go to