guide for new eb

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by 4A6F73-HEX-687561, Jul 1, 2012.

  1. Phrase 1/2
    This part my clan(war rebels) used over 60 crystals just for phrase 1

    Attack/assassinate 1m points to zero
    (Regains 103k(10%) every 15mins)
    Scout top red bar to 50%

    Phrase 2/2
    Attack/assassinate 1.4m points to zero
    (doesn't regain)
    Scout top red bar to 0%

    This eb is in my opinion only for top 100 maybe 200 clans
  2. Dang... Have to be really big and extremely active
  3. Wow, devs are really going for players cash now aren't they
  4. I better be able to go on the yacht ride with ATA!!!
  5. Phase 2 - blue bar regens at least 100k every hr
  6. Phase 2 - blue bar regens at least 100k every hr
  7. Does it drop anything?
  8. Obviously it drops something Jim lol
  9. Melissa can I come? I can bring the Louie.
  10. Better be an epic drop is you have to burn 60 crystals
  11. It regenerates 207k per hour guys drops s cloak and shin guards. Cloak is 1mil def and shins are 8mil defence