Guess what?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -BoomIsInTheAir-, Jan 19, 2016.

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  1. Chicken butt, that is all.
  2. go back to pimd, peasant.
  3. A peasant is better than being a traitor like you, Benedict Arnold.
  4. Only an inbecile like you would believe an imposter.

    Bad thread.
  5. Ok yes, I'm an imbecile but that's still better than being a lying backstabber like you.
  6. Hey boom

    Suck it
  7. Wow you are sofa king wee todd edd.
  8. Look it was only one time and your sister consented.
  9. Pimd called, they're short a bronie for your my little pony rp event..

    Run along now, you wouldn't want to keep them waiting
  10. Bad thread, locking.
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